then I just continue stoning at the beach all by myself...very relaxing..looking at the sea~

dont know why, I just like taking pic during sunset....
ohya, 2 days ago...there are this CIMB group checking in...200++ rooms occupied by them and today I have to go work at SYOK!!!!! start busy at 8 something..Malaysian checking out ma..sure try their best to do it last minute one....who kena?? we kena la...but our job just to tag their luggage~
when I stoning at the reception area..suddenly Front Office Manager aka Evonne called me and talk about extending my training in front office..she said "we need trainees to be lobby ambessador, and they have to be good looking and can communicate well..and I dont see the other 2 trainees are fit for FO..( she only spoke to me and another trainee) but wait a minutes..did she just said good looking?? perform well in front office...and she is talking to me..haha!!! but I answer her immediately "NO" (you guys surely think that I wil be in deep shit after that answer...)
dont worry, all the staff here are ok..even manager, she just asking my decision only...I told her my reason and bla bla bla...then she said " dont want to friend you already..." o_O
can you believe it?? my manager say that to me?? I thought only Lynn D will say
eh..Ms June was wrong...and Ms Ho is extremely WRONG!!!!!!!! front office is not as serious as what she said...or what she is doing for her whole life...
anyway, that is not the point...the point is, I dont want to extend...
so I went back to stone at reception...after awhile, I went in to the service center to pass message...suddenly Evonne laugh at me~ and said she check with HR and they already put me in FO for another month... o_O O_o 0_O
another MONTH???!!!!!!
but no longer being reception or bell boy...for the next 1 month, I will be Lobby Ambassador(spell this way??) anyway...what we will do is welcome to guess...assist guest...
nama saje glamour...but we even serve drinks(welcome drinks ma..) aikz~ the bottom line is...I will be in front office for another month~ luckily I wont be going to house, got pros and cons la...
aikz...CNY coming..not going home, family not coming...apa jadi ni???
ever since we came here, all of my housemate's parents, family came to find them atleast once...they sent them here as well...
my case is totally different...i came here with Charles' family didnt come to penang at all and I dont think they will...and the weirdest thing is, my mom sms me instead of calling me..(cause my shift very confusing) but sometimes she called when I let her know my free time..
somehow..I really start missing them~
but yesterday, Joanna came and find me...actually like having some great time with boyfriend while "suin bin" come find me..hahaa
joking la..really happy when finally someone that really close to me come to find me...although just a short while, but I am happy with it...and she is leaving to India soon~ "must take care a..."
dont know when only can see her again...surely will miss her~ (miss bullying her nonstop..haha)
should I start crying now?? haha..NEH!!!!! (but just have that weird feeling inside)
alright...stop those touching story..take a closer look~ let see what you can find in this pic beside sand and stones~
till I blog again...Take care everyone..
**start missing KL already...T.T