we went down to watch 'Dan in real life', very meaningful and funny movie...then sushi king for dinner~
multi-number calling...
after saying good bye to them...I recieved a shocking news from my mum~
pay an unexpected visit back to KL for few days...
from the Jetty to Butterworth...got up early in the morning to push forward my 5 days off and head to take a bus back to KL...
I dont care about anything but only want to reach KL as soon as possible...
everything goes smoothly and glad to see my family again...
mum says that I hold on my public holiday for Jan and Feb as well as staying in FO for another month...all are set for this occasion and I agreed with her~
after everything settle down, everyone were tired and exhausted...time to move on with our life~
I got my leisence renewed and finally I can drive again..no more 'P'!!!
flags flags flags....damn annoying!!!
the evening...I went and meet up with some of my friends at Pavilion for a movie"Vantage Point", a 30 minutes movie which they managed to make it into more than an hour long..good job!! but no doubt, good effects!!!
it has been awhile since I can see the night side of KL...miss this~
took this in Kelvin's car..I am 'skillful' to took this shot...
yum cha section at Old Town, Cheras...
finally can meet up with Joanna again~
that tiny white box is the case for my birthday present...she is leaving at 2nd April if not mistaken, so I guess we wont meet up again until she came back from India...
many people say we look alike..haha, like brother like sister ma~
no changes at all for this dude...except his life..ahem ahem~( I knew it!!!!)
the ex-MBS...some of us only...
1 last pic with her before we move on to second round at mamak...we chit chat until 2am~( really going to miss her alot, hopefully 5 years later...can get free teeth check up..haha)
took 8am bus back to Penang and reach safely at 2.30pm...
still need some time to adjust myself before going back to work on friday...
midnight we went yum cha and after that take a walk at the beach...
did something crazy with Jin...location: Batu Feringgi in front of Golden Sand. 3.00am~
till I blog again...I really miss KL now~ hope I can get back as soon as possible to spend time with you all...sorry for not able to be around when you guys need me..but everyone must take care and stay strong!!!
happy always~