Back to previous entry, one of our topic was about hiking on those mountain we saw from William's place. Yanjie is a hardcore hiking fella and he bring some of them to hiking for several times but I only did once with William and Joanna.
(if you read my blog, you should know)
After some research by Yanjie, on the 1st of September which is a public holiday. We decided to hike at Bukit Tabur near Wangsa maju which organised by Yanjie the hiking freak. There were only 4 of us and we met at William's place at 7am in the morning. Crazy people who woke up early in the morning when almost the whole Malaysia is still sleeping on a beautiful public holiday morning.
Me and Yanjie reach first before Kelvin reach a moment later, but William sounds just woke up or something when I told him we reach already. He welcome us with a rothen banana on his hand. Rothen in cantonese is called
Lan and banana is Jiu. So William is eating a Lan
Jiao Jiu.
( I know I am lame)
William with his Lan Jiao Jiualright, cut the crap...after few minutes of preparation
Yanjie shaking something he found in William's car.We departed at about 7.30am which mean we are damn late and we reach about 8am. We were kind of lost at the beginning because none of us know the way for hiking.
getting ready to hike...
welcome to Bukit Tabur.after stoning for few minutes looking for the starting point, finally we found it when few hikers walking in
(at least we are not the only people who don't want to sleep more on public holiday) we just follow and begin our hiking journey at 8.10am.
let's go!!!Yanjie said this trail is very challenging even though it is shorter than those he went before which took about whole day to complete it. It was totally different compared to the one which I went to about 2 weeks ago. I will let the photos do the talking cause I am exhausted after hiking, too tired to type..
walking through the jungle..after this tiny jungle, we reach at 1 point when we look back...we can see this king kong's head look alike mountain. (Yanjie been there before)

the King Kong mountain...
we just kept going up and up...surrounded by nature.

keep moving...
the path way started to getting tougher and tougher after just a short while...

then we saw this lake/ river thingy behind us after just 9 minutes of hiking..

peaceful water...

king king mountain becoming smaller and smaller as we continue hiking...
then we took a short rest after 30 minutes of hiking...
Kelvin is posing and that's Yanjie's hand...
everytime we look back..this is what we saw
so peaceful~
I was in front after the break...part of the trail is form by natural staircase...trees roots

Kelvin trying get down to where Yanjie is standing...
the tiny KingKong mountain is far apart from us...basically we were hiking at the backbone of Malaysia according to Yanjie, on the left side we can see the peaceful water

while on the other side is houses and buildings...

we were so high up, but still not yet reach the highest peak. Everytime we ask Yanjie weather we are at the top already. He will replied "
not yet reach the part with robe also.." Because that is the only information he have about reaching the peak.

is that the peak? looks very near right??
but as we go closer...the peak is like getting further from us.

so we kept going up and up...

we have to go over there in order to reach the peak...
we were trilled when saw this huge robe but it is for us to get down but not climb seems like very easy, but all of us struggle to get down with that robe and ofcourse finally we did it.

after going down to the robe, we have to climb this...

it is very sloping that when we are climbing, we wont be looking down. All we can do is kept going up...

as what been told by Yanjie, we are close to the top once we reach the robe part...we were so happy until we saw

aikz...not another one?? still got somemore to climb??!!! Actually we have to go through peak after peak before we reach the end and we don't know how many more to go...
it has been almost 1 hour and 30minutes of we took another short break before continue our hiking.

they stone and look at the polluted side...while I am looking at the peaceful side

see, that is how far we can go with 1 and half hour of hiking...

after the short break, we continue our journey and hope we can reach the last peak before going down hill...
then we come to another part with robe again, at this point we many more robe do we need to climb before reach the end??

but this is was easier compared to the previous 1...
look at the peak we have gone far away.

after going down, we have to go right up to the top ...we seriously have no idea how long more to go...
this is the next peak we have to climb...

but before that, we have to go down again...
and we met a group of students from IMU, there are 1 huge group so it takes some time to get down and we have chance to take some rest...

going up to another peak...

look at the view behind William...
and 1 point, some one have sprayed direction for we just have to follow the arrow..

see that yellow arrow beside William?
after this, we have to climb up again and we can feel that the highest peak is getting closer...

until we saw another peak...WTF??!!!
when will this end??
(have to salute those IMU students who have mood to camwhore...girls)

so we climb again and hoping this would be the last peak...
As we reach the peak, the big group in front of us is having their break as we saw yet another peak ahead of us...
they told us that is the last peak, but if we go up, we have to come back down no matter what because the way to get down is here. We are running out of time as it is already 10.30am, so we decided to end our hiking at the second last peak.
the peaks we have been through in this 2 and half hours of hiking...

we chilled awhile over there taking some photos before heading all the way down...

a tiny jungle I found while on the way down, formed by algaes and trees...looks like some scenes in Lord of The Ring Trilogy.
I LOVE MOTHER NATURE!!!we never stop once we start going down, because the path is quite easy, just some are slippery after rain.

but the greenish of these algaes had caught my attention...
we just kept going down but have no idea how long will it takes..

the path way back to city life...
we not sure did we go through all that...but, whatever~ we are done!!!

there was 1 phrase regarding mushrooms after rain or something...well, this is what we found on the way down...

on our way down, part of the path way is formed by natural staircase again...
then we saw this small house/shop in the middle of the jungle with the arrow showing us where to go...

but Monday was a public holiday, so we couldn't buy any ice cream to cool ourself down..

after that we come to this final slope before reaching the exit of this hiking route...

at 11.25am..we officially finish our hiking. It is kind of later than we expected and my leg is shaking when I stand straight...
on the way back to the car...
it was exhausted but have a lot of fun when spending time with a bunch of good friends, well..although its just the 4 of us. BUt I really enjoy it.
We had our lunch at Wangsa Maju and I head back home straight to get myself ready to work at 1pm. It was my first day of work and I went for hiking before that...tired to the max!!! After work, I cant really feel my leg anymore for 2 days...but it certainly was a great experience. Hope to do more hiking in future with you guys!!!
more photos will be uploaded in facebook soon...