already 2 months training in the hotel, what I get besides experience is...friendship.
got more people to hang out with now besides Jin. (wont feel gay anymore)
past 4 weeks, I played badminton once a week with them. 2 to 3 hours a day. my badminton skill is improving now. finally. twisted/ pulled muscle few times though, followed by carrying heavy luggage.

for the past 1 and half month, I see more prostitutes in my life than before. both near my work place and where I stays. now kind of use to it already, wont over react anymore. grown up? lol
OT twice due to heavy check out and heavy check in then once colleague MC.
First got a called by DM at 11pm when I was about to sleep. asked me start working at 5am cause heavy check out. I suppose to work at 7am. woke up at 4, took taxi to hotel. claim it back from hotel.
Second time, heavy check in. working midnight shift. but been asked to start working 2 hours earlier. so, 9pm to 7am.
Third time, I suppose to work from 11am to 7pm. Slept at 2am, got morning call from DM at 6.20am. ask to take over operator and be in hotel as fast as possible. woke up, shower and fast walk to MRT station. fast walk to hotel after that and reach hotel by 0705. (power sial)
reach there DM say, you can go home already. one staff already stand in for operator. but too late, so I just work in between operator, reservation and concierge. I work till 7pm that day. 4 hours sleep, 12 hours work.
the latest will be I work at the wrong shift, suppose to be 3-11 B shift but instead, I went to work at 11am. ended up volunteer to OT 4 hours and finish working at 11pm. 12 hours again!!!

finally, got my code for the system and started to do check in, check out. feel more complete being in the front office department. now, I can assist guest's request immediately even when I am in the concierge counter.
started to face some tough guests, but will do my best to be as professional as possible.
now, I got more duties, more responsibilities, more stress, more challenging....but I am READY!!!
but my report still hanging there, wish I could just do my internship and graduate without needing to do report and project.