Monday usually is a boring day...furthermore we are going to have final exam next week~ no mood for anything...
while we are having our last OB class, suddenly Chef Loke came in and asked us to move to Pastry kitchen right after class..
first thing come to my mind was "I got no CAMERA!!!!" T_T
cut the crap and zoooommm...we are in pastry kitchen~
we dont really know why are we there..but it has something to do with chocolates..
not "Kampong Shokolat" (French style) but Belgium Chocolate!!!!!
wh-wh-WHAT??!!! B-Be-Bel-BELGIUM??!!!!
am I dreaming or what??
this is Chef David from France, but he came over from China to launch Belcolade's Starter Pack (I guess so)..didnt really pay attention to his presentation at the beginning due to all the chocolate floating in my mind~
he told us about the process of chocolate, what is good chocolate, best temperature for chocolate...etc etc~
as what the purpose of this starter pack is "everyone can make chocolate"
before this Belcolade's main target is only hotels, restaurants,chocolate outlet and pastry outlet.
But now they are moving on to public!!!! Today is the official launching of this starter pack~
"hey!!! I did listen to what he said..." =_="
something in the starter pack...
nuts for filling....
melting chocolate for several times and it have to be stirred from time to time...
finally...voila!!! Nice warm Belgium Chocolate...hmmmmmmmmm~~(we haven't take our lunch at this stage, but the aroma of chocolate calm us down a little)
for decoration~ red colouring + cocoa butter (1st layer), white colouring + cocoa butter (2nd layer), ganash (melted choc as 3rd layer), on a plastic sheet
setting in fridge and roll it like California roll and set in fridge again...
Tadaaaa!!!(3rd pic)
he also made a chocolate lollipop..seriously, it is damn easy!!!!
this is our favorite..looks like the chocolate we bought in the market, but this is freshly made!!!(there are hazel nuts and Picasso nut inside)
he said that normally chocolate need to be set for 1 day...but these demo is only few we hold it, it starts I took a bite on it...
UhUhhhh~~~this is HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (anyway, this is only 50% cocoa..but still feels great as this is PURE BELGIUM CHOCOLATE~)
raisins, hazel nuts and Picasso nuts....(we are going to the climax at this point!!)
then he took a big mixing bowl filled with melted chocolate, add in abit of us the changes of texture. Then he asked "there is only one thing we can do with this..which is??"
someone "eat!!"
chef "no..we throw it" (he poured the chocolate in the rubbish bin!!!! OMG (o_O)
yes, he did bring us down from climax back to zero.. haha
what a great day before final exam...we woke up from dream and back to normal after that..while we are having our last OB class, suddenly Chef Loke came in and asked us to move to Pastry kitchen right after class..
first thing come to my mind was "I got no CAMERA!!!!" T_T
cut the crap and zoooommm...we are in pastry kitchen~
we dont really know why are we there..but it has something to do with chocolates..
not "Kampong Shokolat" (French style) but Belgium Chocolate!!!!!
wh-wh-WHAT??!!! B-Be-Bel-BELGIUM??!!!!
am I dreaming or what??
he told us about the process of chocolate, what is good chocolate, best temperature for chocolate...etc etc~
as what the purpose of this starter pack is "everyone can make chocolate"
before this Belcolade's main target is only hotels, restaurants,chocolate outlet and pastry outlet.
But now they are moving on to public!!!! Today is the official launching of this starter pack~
"hey!!! I did listen to what he said..." =_="
setting in fridge and roll it like California roll and set in fridge again...
Tadaaaa!!!(3rd pic)
he also made a chocolate lollipop..seriously, it is damn easy!!!!
he said that normally chocolate need to be set for 1 day...but these demo is only few we hold it, it starts I took a bite on it...
UhUhhhh~~~this is HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! (anyway, this is only 50% cocoa..but still feels great as this is PURE BELGIUM CHOCOLATE~)
then he took a big mixing bowl filled with melted chocolate, add in abit of us the changes of texture. Then he asked "there is only one thing we can do with this..which is??"
someone "eat!!"
chef "no..we throw it" (he poured the chocolate in the rubbish bin!!!! OMG (o_O)
yes, he did bring us down from climax back to zero.. haha
Chocolate is the best!!!
ps: all these photos provided by JJ, if not I wont be able to blog about it here. So, Thanks JJ!!
anyway, mum planned to buy new camera!!! yeah yeah!!!! (putting high hope on it, it should be happening by next weekend..hehe)