few days back, got no class until 10.30am. Before leave my place at 6.30am (leave so early to avoid traffic jam and get free parking), grabbed all yesterday newspaper and head to college. As usual, reach there have my breakfast in car and relax...then I pulled out Sin Chew Plus (1 of my favorite section beside entertainment and sports)
On the cover, there is a big title " Still remember your childhood dreams?"
so i took few minutes to read the article..
It is about a guy named Randy Pausch from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a Professor in the university and in USA, every lecturer who is going to retire will give a chance to have "The Last Lecture"...but in Randy's case, it is different.

Given this opportunity to have his last lecture, he did not talk about cancer nor his family future. But he chose to talk about "Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"(watch it here)
In this 1 hour plus talk, Randy will talk about how is he going to achieve all of his childhood dreams. This talk was modeled after an ongoing series of lectures where top academics are asked to think deeply about what matters to them, and then give a hypothetical "final talk", for example "what wisdom would you try to impart to the world if you knew it was your last chance?"
this talk has motivated many teenagers like me who have forgotten about childhood dreams..maybe it is time for me to achieve it~

the wall is not stopping you, it wants you to show how much you want it...it only will stop those who dont really want it, but it surely will push you forward to get what you want.
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