well, farewell with friends...farewell with course mates....
how can I miss out to farewell with her??

Picky's starting action surely will be this...(so sweet!!!)

dont know what is she looking at...actually she is "merajuking" cause I dont want to play with her..hehe

finally she turn back and look at me...so elegant~

Picky wants to play again..and I am ready!!! haha

having fun with a clothes..her usual toy.( so cute!!!!)

I will come back to you 5 months later..wait for me a!!!!
always love you Picky~
miss you everyday!!!!
u BAD LA!!!
leaving also never say BYE BYE!
hehe...take care couz! hugs!! =D
haha...that day online want to chat with you, but you busy..
sorry ya..
take care too, send my regard to your family as well..ciao!!!
sigh. u could have at least nudge me ma. haha!kla..will take care!! u have an amazing experience there k! =D happy chinese new year in advance!! =D
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