It has been awhile since I blog right? well, basically I was doing some bed making, turn down service as well as cleaning in public area for the past 3 weeks~ (1 more week in housekeeping only, and its kind of relaxing cause I'll be in the linen part. Not washing them, but take care of uniforms only~)
when I was in front office, once Kenny (GR) asked me why did I choose Penang to have my training. I said it is because of resort, I dont want city hotel. He say bullshit, choose Penang is to play before work. (I didnt really agree with him during that time, but until 1 day....
18 March is the date, it was Rachel's birthday (trainee from Ipoh)...well her bf is a front desk staff and not to be mention, he is the top seller for the past many many months...anyway, cut the crap, as it is her 21st birthday...sure want to make it as happening as possible right??
in front office, most of them are crazy in 1 thing...CLUBBING!!!!
so what else will they do?? CLubbing la ofcourse!!!!
as you can see my title for this blog...ahem ahem~

Malaysian timing all usual~ so..we wait and wait...

Look at this bunch of people heading out form the car park...if not mistaken, there were 20 somthing of us~
Zouk was the first ever club I've been in, not for clubbing but to support Win Datt for that Ginvera thingy thingy 2 years back???

anyhow, this is the club that we went to..Slippery Senoritas or better known as SS

the band is singing, but everything moving quite slow...cause the night is still young

we stone for awhile while they trying to get everything right before we start party...

look at their bar....100 times better then the 1 in Golden sand..duh!!!

count the number of glasses there and you'll know how many of us...2 JD and 2 Black Lable for the night.

after we got our drink, we still not in the mood yet...timing not right~
actually we were waiting for this...before enjoying~ (Kenny, Kelvin, KC, Yani and Shae)

the 2.5KG cake...looks small?? wait until we put in Rachel...

suddenly the band sing happy birthday and we start singing the usual procedure for birthday celebration goes on...and the DJ also mentioned Julia and my name~ (I thought someone is having the same name as me but they say is for me)
Julia's is belated and mine is coming soon...haha

my JD coke~

JJ, birthday girl Rachel, me , Ann and Julia...posing in front of the huge cake....

then Eugene and Kevin join in~

still warming up...but not for dancing yet..more photo taking!!! (thats Vendran)

we "bau" the whole second floor...who dare to mess with us?? haha

more pic..Yani, me and JJ (slightly drunk after few glasses of JD coke)

me and birthday girl...
while we are taking photos around...there is only 1 guy having a headache~
here he is....the organiser aka Rachel's bf aka Kelvin...

the shape of the cake is ok...but the fruits on top of it very troublesome..(it took some time before Kelvin successfully cut the top part of the "Key")
more pic..Zam dont drink but he still turn up to join us right after work. (we force him to drink a little bit..haha)
thats me with June and Joanne from Taylor coll....(June looks drunk and I am bit high)
thats Ann with 3 handsome guys..(JJ scared that something will fly away)
after plenty of photo taking section....finally~
that is my very first time seeing those serious faces getting so crazy!!!!
a candit shot by Ann...(I guess I was dancing during that time...)
after dont know how long we've dance...some of us went back up stairs and regain our energy as well as drink more!!!
thats me and Mr. V...
the few DJs of the night...(they stone when the band sing..)
this is Kenny..the person who ask me to play before work..ahaha.(he just drink for the whole night without going down to the dance floor)
some of them "beh tahan" already... (but I didnt know KC and JJ are so close~haha)
drinking Black lable + H2O~
we dance until 3am...when the DJs call it for the night~
some of them chit chatting with the "ang mo" friends we met inside..
as the group get out from SS and head for some supper...most of us just have a drink~
then we head back to the car park and have some "slow and steady" drive back home~
alright, that was my very first experience on clubbing...thanks folks for taking my first time away at Penang..haha. Never too late to go clubbing right?? atleast I did it before my 20th birthday what....I know it sounds old for first timer like me..but who cares?? I DID IT!!!! wooooooooooooo!!!
I really enjoy it and it is kind of addictive...wonder when will be my next time?? (when I got money first broke already)
until the next time I blog...chill people!!!
take care
ps: 4 more days to go...hehe
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