This could be my last blog in Penang.

looking at the schedule, we are in our final week here~
soon, I have to leave everything behind and move back to KL...
nothing that I can do now, but I know we will meet again in future.
we have short term and long term friendship. But I know, in this 5 months I gain some long term friendships and some short term as well...hopefully we will meet again very soon. As I said, i dont miss the place, but I miss the people over here. Especially those in Adventure Zone. Although its only 3 weeks inside, but I just enjoy the time working there. No doubt, politics all around but as long as we are true to ourself. Dont have to bother what other people say.
Its kind of difficult to handle the feeling of telling everyone that I am going back to KL soon but at the same time, I'll be leaving some great memories behind.
If only I could stop the time, but i know I couldn't as life must go just continue with my life and wish everyone all the best in their life. Hopefully everyone have a wonderful life ahead of them.

Nicole, me, JJ and Anisa with Ellinor and Sarah.

Nisa, Happy and me...
JJ, Nisa, me and Happy~
when got no guest, we do crazy stuff at play area...
Taryn, Ameligh and Josh from South Africa and Alana from Australia..wonderful kids!!!
two cute kids in AZ for the past 2 weeks....Joseph and Shivonne (they are currently in "relationship"..haha)
Shivonne the busket head girl..
and here is Joseph with his busket helmet...
they are just so so so so so...adorable!!!
the very special sunset....
as the sun goes down....
the sky turns dark....
the sun set is to let us know that the sun rise is coming soon...same as to us, the seperation means that we will meet again soon~
this blog might be bit weird, but I am having a very crazy mixed feeling right now as the time goes quick!!!!
but now I have an objective!!!
take care everyone!!!!!
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