here it comes again..another Deli service from my group~
this week is kind of relax where we dont have to worry about the decoration as Event semester 1 students will be doing it as their final exam, basically we were just relax until the service day.
well, at the same time we were worrying about our report and assignment which is due next week..anyway, cut the crap...
have you seen this pic at somewhere else?? if you were following my blog all these while, you will remember during my time in Penang, I posted this pic here and said maybe I could get RM50 if I send this to the has been more than 4 months already until I finally decided to send it over and try my luck. Well, last sunday morning..Jin message me and told me my pic was on Star thumbnails and what else?? I am the winner of the day. Well, not a really big deal but hey!!! I got extra RM50 now~
alright, I know is my fault to prolong your time to see those delicious pic of food we served today...but guess what?? you have to wait longer!!!! (if you cant wait, just scroll down...)
When Mr. Teddy told us that Event's students will be doing the decoration, all we need to do is give them a theme. Before this is 'Underworld' which we have no idea what it should be. Then we change to 'Outer space' where aliens and UFO all in my mind. They have limited time to prepare the decoration and I am glad that they actually took the effort to discuss with us about their plan and asked opinions from us. *youngsters now a day...(eh, its a compliment ok??)
they have this thing on the wall...which sadly I've only watched 2 of them if not mistaken..
and this huge alien's language look-a-like 'poster' which made Jin and me cried..(take a closer look on top left corner) We never expect to meet addmath again after secondary school and yet we met it in our final semester...arghhhh!!!!
beside all these, they have alien posters everywhere with the word 'wanted' or already been 'captured'. Who else will be better to do the aliens catching job than them?
meet Agent K and Agen J...the event's students 'hired' them to stone stand at the entrance and welcome our guests..
most of you must have been skipping all those bullshit on top and come straight to here...
alright you go~
for those patiently waited readers (which I dont think have any)
Menu of the day...
Chin Yi's Chicken and Vegetables Soup or better known as ABC soup for most of us~
suppose to be Akungee's Lamb Tortilla...but he didnt turn up so is from the whole kitchen crews...
Desmond's Tom Yam Pie...
Kok Foong's Green Pasta which basically the only Alien's dish we have...
and ofcourse...

Omer's Lime Cheesecake and Chocolate Mud Cake...We start service at 11.30am and 12.00pm Mud Cake is already item 86, basically the strawberry kills everyone...(didnt get the chance to taste it..DAMN!!!)
the overall service was okay only where got few unwanted incidents happened which slow down our service...anyway, we still able to cope with it at the end. One thing I know, being a cashier is so fun!!! But the ending part was not fun at all where all the money will not be in my pocket...
after service ended..time to have some fun with the decorations~
Men and Woman in Black~
the service team and the leader of event's group..Elaine~thanks alot and well done!!!
crazy agents wannabe...obviously all failed~
finally, comes to the moment we have been waiting for...makan time!!!

WHAT?!!! thats all for us??!!!! the less-est left over I have ever seen...
But still have to eat it cause we are hungry...
after finish our 'limited' lunch..Desmond took out something where catches all the 'hungry ghosts' attention~
the one and only left over cheesecake we have...and we all have to share it~
although each and everyone will get the chance to taste it...but we still act like never eat for 3years..
ahhh...what a day~ it has been 1 week already...guess I am stronger now and cant be emo anymore. Looking forward all the way until the day arrive...
from 369km to 1200km...each sunset means its getting closer~
this week is kind of relax where we dont have to worry about the decoration as Event semester 1 students will be doing it as their final exam, basically we were just relax until the service day.
well, at the same time we were worrying about our report and assignment which is due next week..anyway, cut the crap...
alright, I know is my fault to prolong your time to see those delicious pic of food we served today...but guess what?? you have to wait longer!!!! (if you cant wait, just scroll down...)
When Mr. Teddy told us that Event's students will be doing the decoration, all we need to do is give them a theme. Before this is 'Underworld' which we have no idea what it should be. Then we change to 'Outer space' where aliens and UFO all in my mind. They have limited time to prepare the decoration and I am glad that they actually took the effort to discuss with us about their plan and asked opinions from us. *youngsters now a day...(eh, its a compliment ok??)
beside all these, they have alien posters everywhere with the word 'wanted' or already been 'captured'. Who else will be better to do the aliens catching job than them?
most of you must have been skipping all those bullshit on top and come straight to here...
alright you go~
for those patiently waited readers (which I dont think have any)
Menu of the day...
and ofcourse...
the overall service was okay only where got few unwanted incidents happened which slow down our service...anyway, we still able to cope with it at the end. One thing I know, being a cashier is so fun!!! But the ending part was not fun at all where all the money will not be in my pocket...
after service ended..time to have some fun with the decorations~
finally, comes to the moment we have been waiting for...makan time!!!
after finish our 'limited' lunch..Desmond took out something where catches all the 'hungry ghosts' attention~
ahhh...what a day~ it has been 1 week already...guess I am stronger now and cant be emo anymore. Looking forward all the way until the day arrive...
I am going to laugh any moment right now. I never expect the alien writings that I wrote on the deli door bring such bad memories. LOL.
Being the real leader of the team, I am really useless if no one in the hospitality team has no idea who the leader is.
I'm sorry it is going to end like this. But is there any other photos taken on the "outer Space" deli decor day?
Our photographer of the day had got her computer infected by virus and yes, the photos are all gone.
We have to come out with a report.
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