Time flies!!! Time flies!!! These words seems to be appearing in my blog very often for the past few entries. Not because I say it for the sake of saying it, but I say it because I really feel it. 2 and half years ago, I stepped out from my secondary school with 5 years of memories, glories, fun times, laughters, crazy moments, tortures, suffers and now here I am, ready to move on to the next level on my life.
semester 1, trip to Saujana Resort, Kuala Lumpur.
2 and half years obviously is shorter than my 11 years school life, but when I look back...it was a long journey and surely I am going to miss this. Every beginning of new semesters when we got our scheme of work, we will mourn and think that 'exam week' is more difficult to reach than flying to the moon. But as times goes by, assignments after assignments, reports after reports and those dateline is killing us where we want the time to stop moving for just a short while so we can complete our works. (mainly is because doing last minute works) Not to mentioned that almost every assignments and report, I stayed up for whole night and complete them few hours before handing up.
semester 2, CKO final exam with Chef Andy
Every time after rushing each assignments and give ourselves the maximum pressure, we will surely say "next assignment don't do last minute work lo, I must finish it earlier...bla bla bla"
Then another last minute work, and another and another...
Every time when we start our new semester, one of us will say
"this semester I am not going to do last minute work anymore"
others will say "ya, me too..cannot every sem like that"
But unfortunately, our hardworking cells can't live too long, they can't even hold on until we get our first assignment. So same story goes on and on again until semester 7!!! We never change!!!
semester 3, dinner service
We will only feel the pressure about 1 or 2 weeks before the dateline and only will start moving our muscles and squeezing our brain juice by then. We can't take the pressure and kept mourning, spam each other on MSN, sharing own assignment with others (especially those hardworking one), everyone's MSN nickname/ personal message must be related to the latest assignment.
While doing assignments, we will also looking forward to who change their nickname to "yeah!! finally!!!" or "finish!!!".
Then the following conversation will happen
Lei See: "wah, so fast!!! good la you..."
Gau Dim: "no la, I simply do only..."
Lei See: "haiyoo, finish already ma good lo.." (before GauDim want to reply)
" eh, can send over ? want to see how you do this particular part" (actually is whole assignment)
Gau Dim: "I really don't know how to do one..."
Lei Sei: "don't like that la..friends must help friends ma..."
(after about 10 minutes of begging and refusing)
Gau Dim:" haiyerr...okla..."
Lei Sei:" wah, thank you!!! you are so kind"
(Lei See = lazy, gau dim in cantonese means finish or done)
For year one, my Gau Dim will normally be Stephanie or Tania because not close with other group. Then slowly I have more choices, I add in Chin Yi, Desmond and Lynn D in year two for tougher assignments.
**Don't think that I always demand, sometimes I am supplier too...
Semester 4, sausages holiday at Genting
Beside paper work, even practical we also like to do last minute work. Still remember in semester 3, during dinner service. We took our own sweet time the whole afternoon and end up rushing to get change into our costume 30minutes before service starts. For buffet service, many of us stay in college until 11pm just to finish building the buffet booth and decorations. Next day early in the morning, we continue hammering until about 1 hour before buffet service start. (last minute to the max)
All these while, we can't really cope with the pressure but somehow we enjoy the pressure. We work our ass out in last minute work and the result satisfied all of us. It feels even better after completing something under high pressure rather than finish it earlier. This is one bad example to follow, so young folks out there. DO NOT FOLLOW our footsteps. (even though in some occasion we did extremely well and others were just ok or good)
semester 5, party before going for training.
In this 2 and half years, I have learned a lot. Of course academically and lot more for my life. No doubt education is the main purpose I further my study but at the same time I am learning how to be a better person through out the whole journey. One thing I remember the most which taught by Chef Busky in Personal Development Skill 2, he said if you are very angry at someone, in order to not worsen the situation, you keep quiet and walk away. Give yourself some time to cool down and solve it rationally rather than emotionally.
That is why I always keep quiet now when someone throw anger at me. Back to my secondary school time, I will just burst out and start shouting at their face. Even though sometimes I really could not take it and release my anger back to them, but it rarely happen now a days.
When others giving you some hard time, don't give up but go out and prove to them you can handle them. This happen lot when it comes to group assignments where members did not cooperate and give you shit work which you have to edit all over again or just re-do the whole damn thing all by yourself again. But after completing it, you are more matured compare to them!
semester 6, SWE training at Golden Sands Resort, Penang. (with Bell Captain, Ramadhan)
Industrial training, something that kept haunting us at the beginning of semester 4 and it became even scarier at the end of semester 4 where we need to decide where to go. But every thing just going to our way and end of semester 5, the most excited semester is ahead of us. We didn't know what will happen but only suffer that comes to our mind. Again, it turns out fun, fun and more fun!!! Maybe because is the place we chose, the people over there are just so nice!!! Immediately we feel that we are part of them and things goes quite smooth. 5 months without mom's nagging, total freedom. Do whatever you want but at the same time, have to make sure not to get into trouble. Discipline is very important here, glad that I've made it without putting myself into trouble. 5 months later, it has all become memory and I've learn more because of the independent life I have.
It was just a brief introduction to us about how would working industry looks like. I am sure it won't be that easy in the future when we really step into the working world.
semester 7, final Deli service with Mr.Teddy.
look at that!!! 7 semesters just finish like that!!! damn fast right??
Besides studies, friends is another key element here. Through out these 7 semesters, I've got to know lots of friends. But not all are able to move along with us and finish this journey with us. From semester 1, 40+ hospitality students to semester 7, 20+ of us. The remaining are those that really go through the climax of hard times together and really glad that we made it so far. it is not easy at all along the way where quarrels, argues but not to forget...the laughter we have.
Not just that, in between I also get to know more friends during my training. Even just that few months, I can know that they are a bunch of great people. With this, I have widen my network which I think will only benefits my future.
there goes my 7 semesters review.
well, I will be going to the next chapter of my life. Seriously I have no idea where am I heading to but at least I have my own objectives now which I will do my best to achieve it. Wait for me!!!
final exam in 1 week time.
2 and half years obviously is shorter than my 11 years school life, but when I look back...it was a long journey and surely I am going to miss this. Every beginning of new semesters when we got our scheme of work, we will mourn and think that 'exam week' is more difficult to reach than flying to the moon. But as times goes by, assignments after assignments, reports after reports and those dateline is killing us where we want the time to stop moving for just a short while so we can complete our works. (mainly is because doing last minute works) Not to mentioned that almost every assignments and report, I stayed up for whole night and complete them few hours before handing up.
Every time after rushing each assignments and give ourselves the maximum pressure, we will surely say "next assignment don't do last minute work lo, I must finish it earlier...bla bla bla"
Then another last minute work, and another and another...
Every time when we start our new semester, one of us will say
"this semester I am not going to do last minute work anymore"
others will say "ya, me too..cannot every sem like that"
But unfortunately, our hardworking cells can't live too long, they can't even hold on until we get our first assignment. So same story goes on and on again until semester 7!!! We never change!!!
We will only feel the pressure about 1 or 2 weeks before the dateline and only will start moving our muscles and squeezing our brain juice by then. We can't take the pressure and kept mourning, spam each other on MSN, sharing own assignment with others (especially those hardworking one), everyone's MSN nickname/ personal message must be related to the latest assignment.
While doing assignments, we will also looking forward to who change their nickname to "yeah!! finally!!!" or "finish!!!".
Then the following conversation will happen
Lei See: "wah, so fast!!! good la you..."
Gau Dim: "no la, I simply do only..."
Lei See: "haiyoo, finish already ma good lo.." (before GauDim want to reply)
" eh, can send over ? want to see how you do this particular part" (actually is whole assignment)
Gau Dim: "I really don't know how to do one..."
Lei Sei: "don't like that la..friends must help friends ma..."
(after about 10 minutes of begging and refusing)
Gau Dim:" haiyerr...okla..."
Lei Sei:" wah, thank you!!! you are so kind"
(Lei See = lazy, gau dim in cantonese means finish or done)
For year one, my Gau Dim will normally be Stephanie or Tania because not close with other group. Then slowly I have more choices, I add in Chin Yi, Desmond and Lynn D in year two for tougher assignments.
**Don't think that I always demand, sometimes I am supplier too...
Beside paper work, even practical we also like to do last minute work. Still remember in semester 3, during dinner service. We took our own sweet time the whole afternoon and end up rushing to get change into our costume 30minutes before service starts. For buffet service, many of us stay in college until 11pm just to finish building the buffet booth and decorations. Next day early in the morning, we continue hammering until about 1 hour before buffet service start. (last minute to the max)
All these while, we can't really cope with the pressure but somehow we enjoy the pressure. We work our ass out in last minute work and the result satisfied all of us. It feels even better after completing something under high pressure rather than finish it earlier. This is one bad example to follow, so young folks out there. DO NOT FOLLOW our footsteps. (even though in some occasion we did extremely well and others were just ok or good)
In this 2 and half years, I have learned a lot. Of course academically and lot more for my life. No doubt education is the main purpose I further my study but at the same time I am learning how to be a better person through out the whole journey. One thing I remember the most which taught by Chef Busky in Personal Development Skill 2, he said if you are very angry at someone, in order to not worsen the situation, you keep quiet and walk away. Give yourself some time to cool down and solve it rationally rather than emotionally.
That is why I always keep quiet now when someone throw anger at me. Back to my secondary school time, I will just burst out and start shouting at their face. Even though sometimes I really could not take it and release my anger back to them, but it rarely happen now a days.
When others giving you some hard time, don't give up but go out and prove to them you can handle them. This happen lot when it comes to group assignments where members did not cooperate and give you shit work which you have to edit all over again or just re-do the whole damn thing all by yourself again. But after completing it, you are more matured compare to them!
Industrial training, something that kept haunting us at the beginning of semester 4 and it became even scarier at the end of semester 4 where we need to decide where to go. But every thing just going to our way and end of semester 5, the most excited semester is ahead of us. We didn't know what will happen but only suffer that comes to our mind. Again, it turns out fun, fun and more fun!!! Maybe because is the place we chose, the people over there are just so nice!!! Immediately we feel that we are part of them and things goes quite smooth. 5 months without mom's nagging, total freedom. Do whatever you want but at the same time, have to make sure not to get into trouble. Discipline is very important here, glad that I've made it without putting myself into trouble. 5 months later, it has all become memory and I've learn more because of the independent life I have.
It was just a brief introduction to us about how would working industry looks like. I am sure it won't be that easy in the future when we really step into the working world.
look at that!!! 7 semesters just finish like that!!! damn fast right??
Besides studies, friends is another key element here. Through out these 7 semesters, I've got to know lots of friends. But not all are able to move along with us and finish this journey with us. From semester 1, 40+ hospitality students to semester 7, 20+ of us. The remaining are those that really go through the climax of hard times together and really glad that we made it so far. it is not easy at all along the way where quarrels, argues but not to forget...the laughter we have.
Not just that, in between I also get to know more friends during my training. Even just that few months, I can know that they are a bunch of great people. With this, I have widen my network which I think will only benefits my future.
well, I will be going to the next chapter of my life. Seriously I have no idea where am I heading to but at least I have my own objectives now which I will do my best to achieve it. Wait for me!!!
final exam in 1 week time.
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