Mom told auntie dont need to duplicate keys for me since I seldom go out and come home late. Well, basically is that my auntie's family will sleep at 10pm everyday and so far I only hang out with Jin Min.
Therefore, I always be at home by evening because I got no where to go. Only on rare occasion like last Sunday I went to NTU and play futsal with Jin's friends and for your information, NTU is at North side of Singapore and is close to JB. How far will it be?? check the map!!! I reached home by 10.30pm that night. That was also I rush home, if aunt will have to stay up longer just to wait for me.
back to CNY, I was 'forced' to watch movie alone because I cant stay at home and dont know what to do. I dont even know when will they be back home, and end up I have instant noodle for dinner that night because they ate outside without informing me.
well, actually I am ok with all this stuff. Mom said only few months so bare with it and if got keys, will be mafan (troublesome) for them cause it might be high chances for me to go home late. But look on the other side, without key...they must be at home before I reach home and I must call them to make sure they are already at home before I can even go home!!! Any changes on that I will have to stay outside just to wait for them to reach home.
Take wednesday as example, I was told to have dinner by myself cause some of my auntie's sisters came down to Singapore and for some reason I am not in their dinner plan. But I am fine with it so after online for whole afternoon in college decided to have dinner before go home. After I reached Kovan and bought my dinner, got a call from cousin. She said they are heading to Ang Mo Kio Hub for dinner and asked wheater I want to join or not. But earlier aunt called and ask me to have dinner by myself. Unfortunately I bought my food already so there is the conflict came on...
6.30pm I got my dinner and ready to go home but they already on the way to have dinner while cousin joining them over there. Which means no one will be at home.
so I went to the garden opposite my place to have my dinner. Still doing fine but looks kind of sad...I was like some homeless college student having dinner in a garden.
I was sitting at the opposite corner....
Just imagine by yourself...some guy sitting at the corner having his dinner.
Prawn Takoyaki. 3 balls for 2 SGD.
Ramlee Burger Special for 3 SGD!!!
for some reason, I found that Singaporean like to con and get conned. Or they just dont know what a Ramlee Burger is like at the first place. Their special is just patty wrap with egg...thats it!!!!
compared to this???
even if we buy Ramlee Burger in KL, Sunway or Ampang...the price range is between RM2.50 to Rm3 and with more ingredients inside!!!
it has been awhile since I drank a I decided to have one that evening but cant afford Carlsberg or Tiger so got a beer that only cost 2.30 SGD. Cheapest in 7-11.
Bread Royal Lager since 1538.
But I never heard before and it taste like aluminium...I dont even know where it came from!!
I have my dinner for as slow as possible but still finish them in 30 minutes. What next?? on laptop and stone. Fortuntely I can online at the, not really a bad day~
My online spot looking at the garden...
They reached home by 8pm...I think they rush back immediately after dinner too...
So, conclusion is with keys will cause inconvenient for both parties or without keys will cause inconvenient for both parties???
you tell me...
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