time flies, out of a sudden, I am an adult already. I am legally to do everything and anything I want with my own responsible.
what will you do to celebrate your 21st birthday?? normally people will spend 1 special day with their love one or family or have a grand big party to celebrate this officially turning into an adult moment. Golden Key, big ang pau....etc etc etc
but I had a quite special celebration. Before I came back to KL, I already craving to visit pasar malam once again to eat all the food available in a pasar malam. If you live around Cheras area, when you talk about pasar malam, the biggest and most happening has to be the Connaught one. So coincidently the pasar malam is on wednesday and my big day is also on that day for this year. I really dont know who should I celebrate with but because of the pasar malam, I asked Li Wah to organise and end up going with Ochacha people. (I mean ex-Ochacha people)
more like a birthday celebration cum gathering.
but before that, went to Sunway had lunch with Charles and Jin (not again??) We still feel like missing something or more like missing someone...JJ!!! sigh~
evening is when the big 'party' starts...
pick up Pui Ee and Nick from Taylors then followed by Snow and Li Wah at Maluri (details dont have to know) Off we go to Connaught!!!
Connaught Pasar Malam...
first to attract us is this pasar malam isolated van hiding in the darkness. but there is something that will lead us to the van from far far away...
light in the darkness...
their slogan tells the truth...
not like others saying "the best XXXX in town" but when you taste it, its like the worse. We can actually smell the aroma across the road, right after we step out from my car near the gas station. Power sial....
Smelly Bean Curd!!! (ignore the hand...)
yes it is, my second attempt. not bad~ Only me and Li Wah dare to eat...sigh, others are not sporting enough. ( I ate 3...)
Alison Original Taiwan Chicken Chop...(direct translation)
so so only and it is extremely savoury and spicy...sucks!
because of this, few of us are extremely thirsty. So we stop by at this bubble tea stall to get some drinks..
it has been awhile since I last drank bubble tea...so, I was quite excited and ordered a champagne fruit flavor...
blue drink...(once again, ignore the hand)
after first few sips, we all concluded it was the worse bubble tea. The 'pearls' are not chewy at all...sucks again!!!
then we move on to this...

a cool snack taste like roti canai with some chives on it...its abit oily but I love it!!!
then is this...Pandan Pan-fried bun??? (jin lung bao) hahaha!!!

or better known as Big Noodle (dai gau min)
I was kind of full at this point after 3 pieces of smelly taufu, 1 cup of sucky bubble tea, a piece of fried chicken and a piece of Taiwan pizza...=_+"
Veaky and Sara join us half way through...more people, more noises, more fun!!!
then we continue going straight and found this...

Korean Year Cake...
if you watch Korean typical drama, they will cook this and the owner kept speaking Korean to his customers (just the basic which all of us also know...)
already 3 months of 'hard work' and always stay up late to do 'assignments', especially when I got the mobile broadband...so, its best to have some tradisional beverages...
Wong Lou Kat ( the black and most bitter one)
no one dare to drink it except me...haiz, youngsters now a day. Never have tough life before, thats why cant take bitter stuff...
after some bitter stuff, time for some total sweetness stuff...
5 of us with red bean ice...
there is no cream inside but everyone called it ice cream...=_+"
it is time to end our pasar malam trip. So we went back the opposite direction...
some cutie snacks that only good to see but not good to eat...quoted by Li Wah
when we reached the 'starting point'...
There is a long queue at the smelly taufu stall...power sial!!! (used to heard about they have the longest queue in this entire pasar malam)
so, its true!!!
Veaky and Sara missed it at the beginning, so they bought for themselves and keep in the car (you all should know what happen when they wanted to go home...)
Not far from there, another queue can be seen...
queuing for toilet la....
conclusion, smelly things worth lining up and waiting...
after pasar malam, we went to our next destination...
Tan Cha Uk or Gilly Cafe
located near Leisure Mall...
people that stone with me...
The ambiance is so great and quite peaceful.

they provide us cards, mahjong, chess, jingga...etc etc for entertainment.
I conteng this 1...(next time if you visit, find out the number 21)
but several draw back happen after all the good first impression...everyone ordered their drinks. Then that was my turn, I look at the menu and saw beer and stout.
me " what beer you have?"
waitress "..." (she just walk away without saying anything and entertain some guest that just came)
me continue stoning...
she came back and I asked the same question again...she replied " Carlsberg"
after discuss with them, I ordered a Carlsberg. 21 years old ma...drink beer nothing wrong right??
she then ask me " want ice??"
I look at her with this face....
I told her, no ice...but chilled glass. She wrote down what I told her beside the order...
wtf?? beer with ice??? what is this?? some ulu cafe who serve wine with ice as well??? =_="
fine...stage 1 over.
we stone and chit chat for quite some times...until dont know when. Our drinks is here...
everyone drink, chit chat, laugh...then a waiter whisper to Nick and he nod his head. (I know what is going on)
the whole thing goes like this, many days before this Li Wah already asked me what cake do I want. She got it the day before, me all met at Jaya Jusco Maluri and head to her home to get the cake. Then drove to this cafe and ask them to keep the cake before we go to pasar malam. (so there is actually nothing to be surprise at because I witness the whole process already)
but the waiter tend to make it very surprising. (the whisper part)
followed by a Happy Birthday song that can be heard by everyone in the cafe. Guess what?? Out of all the birthday song they have, they chose the small kid singing version where normally we can heard it in those chinese restaurant with karaoke system...
the song is so loud but no sign of any cake... I am 21 already, why that song?? Stage 2, done!
so, the song play half way and after I non-stop making noise. They stop playing the song and then only the cake appear...(they still trying to light the candles)
tadaaaaaaaa~ the beautiful cake!!!
its only cost RM33 for this 1 KG cake with proper decor and chunted ingredients, details?? ask Li Wah...haha
then we all sing birthday song again just to cover up the previous cacated version one..haha
following is the process of whole cake cutting ceremony...the common one.
me stone with the cake.
me looking at the cake.
me making wishessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
me blowing off the candles.
then the dirty part~
adding extra decor/ ingredients to the cake...my face oil. haha (getting the candle out)
they cant do much cause there is only 1 cake...so, my face is clean!!!
end with cake cutting....
then we eat cake but most of our stomach were filled up with pasar malam food, so no one can finish it. The cake is full with cheese and chocolate!!! Very powerful high quality cake...
group pic!!!
Thanks everyone who willing to stone with me!!! haha (we remain at this pose for few minutes before 1 of the waiter finally is free to take pic for us.)
they are so busy serving food and drinks until neglected other services they should provide...
then Nick and Pui Ee left earlier cause got class tomorrow...then the party didnt really continue but just normal chat.
I am 21!!!! woohoooo~
the last draw back is...
they serve fake beer to me and charged me RM8.90. I can get the glass bottle one with that price.
nevermind, because it is my big day...so forgive them but still wondering how can they do business in this way. Where is the quality control?? wonder is their other beverages are fake as well..or mix with water. I am not sure about others, but I will never go back there again.
we all leave at 12am...thanks everyone again!!!
my very own birthday present.
laptop skin and mouse pad...YA!! Man United!!! knowing they didnt perform well recently, but have faith that they will bounce back!!! Bought a laptop cooler as well, got conned!!!
Then one cap and 3 rings from pasar malam...woohooo!!!!
well, thats my birthday update.
I got plenty wishes on wall messages in facebook but didnt managed to reach 100 though. ( William is laughing)
but most touching one done by few people...must credit them here.
no. 1 Yana who is the first to call me before 25th March.
no. 2 William's sms from UK with his maxis number. (still wondering how)
no. 3 Joanna calling from Australia and a present from her is on the way (she is the BEST!!! love you, thanks and MUACKS!!!!)
no. 4 Win Datt calling from Australia, had a great talk with him...thanks very much!!!
other than these 4, thanks everyone!!! =) Hope that these wishes are not because of facebook or friendster reminder...haha
my birthday wishessssssssssssssssssssssssssss??
haha, world peace ofcourse and other personal 's wishes...
if you think this is too long, summary is at PuiEe's blog. With edited pic...
what will you do to celebrate your 21st birthday?? normally people will spend 1 special day with their love one or family or have a grand big party to celebrate this officially turning into an adult moment. Golden Key, big ang pau....etc etc etc
but I had a quite special celebration. Before I came back to KL, I already craving to visit pasar malam once again to eat all the food available in a pasar malam. If you live around Cheras area, when you talk about pasar malam, the biggest and most happening has to be the Connaught one. So coincidently the pasar malam is on wednesday and my big day is also on that day for this year. I really dont know who should I celebrate with but because of the pasar malam, I asked Li Wah to organise and end up going with Ochacha people. (I mean ex-Ochacha people)
more like a birthday celebration cum gathering.
but before that, went to Sunway had lunch with Charles and Jin (not again??) We still feel like missing something or more like missing someone...JJ!!! sigh~
evening is when the big 'party' starts...
pick up Pui Ee and Nick from Taylors then followed by Snow and Li Wah at Maluri (details dont have to know) Off we go to Connaught!!!

first to attract us is this pasar malam isolated van hiding in the darkness. but there is something that will lead us to the van from far far away...

not like others saying "the best XXXX in town" but when you taste it, its like the worse. We can actually smell the aroma across the road, right after we step out from my car near the gas station. Power sial....
yes it is, my second attempt. not bad~ Only me and Li Wah dare to eat...sigh, others are not sporting enough. ( I ate 3...)
because of this, few of us are extremely thirsty. So we stop by at this bubble tea stall to get some drinks..

after first few sips, we all concluded it was the worse bubble tea. The 'pearls' are not chewy at all...sucks again!!!
then we move on to this...
then is this...Pandan Pan-fried bun??? (jin lung bao) hahaha!!!
I was kind of full at this point after 3 pieces of smelly taufu, 1 cup of sucky bubble tea, a piece of fried chicken and a piece of Taiwan pizza...=_+"
Veaky and Sara join us half way through...more people, more noises, more fun!!!
then we continue going straight and found this...
if you watch Korean typical drama, they will cook this and the owner kept speaking Korean to his customers (just the basic which all of us also know...)
already 3 months of 'hard work' and always stay up late to do 'assignments', especially when I got the mobile broadband...so, its best to have some tradisional beverages...
no one dare to drink it except me...haiz, youngsters now a day. Never have tough life before, thats why cant take bitter stuff...
after some bitter stuff, time for some total sweetness stuff...

there is no cream inside but everyone called it ice cream...=_+"
it is time to end our pasar malam trip. So we went back the opposite direction...
when we reached the 'starting point'...
There is a long queue at the smelly taufu stall...power sial!!! (used to heard about they have the longest queue in this entire pasar malam)
Veaky and Sara missed it at the beginning, so they bought for themselves and keep in the car (you all should know what happen when they wanted to go home...)
Not far from there, another queue can be seen...
conclusion, smelly things worth lining up and waiting...
after pasar malam, we went to our next destination...
located near Leisure Mall...

The ambiance is so great and quite peaceful.
they provide us cards, mahjong, chess, jingga...etc etc for entertainment.
but several draw back happen after all the good first impression...everyone ordered their drinks. Then that was my turn, I look at the menu and saw beer and stout.
me " what beer you have?"
waitress "..." (she just walk away without saying anything and entertain some guest that just came)
me continue stoning...
she came back and I asked the same question again...she replied " Carlsberg"
after discuss with them, I ordered a Carlsberg. 21 years old ma...drink beer nothing wrong right??
she then ask me " want ice??"

I told her, no ice...but chilled glass. She wrote down what I told her beside the order...
wtf?? beer with ice??? what is this?? some ulu cafe who serve wine with ice as well??? =_="
fine...stage 1 over.
we stone and chit chat for quite some times...until dont know when. Our drinks is here...
everyone drink, chit chat, laugh...then a waiter whisper to Nick and he nod his head. (I know what is going on)
the whole thing goes like this, many days before this Li Wah already asked me what cake do I want. She got it the day before, me all met at Jaya Jusco Maluri and head to her home to get the cake. Then drove to this cafe and ask them to keep the cake before we go to pasar malam. (so there is actually nothing to be surprise at because I witness the whole process already)
but the waiter tend to make it very surprising. (the whisper part)
followed by a Happy Birthday song that can be heard by everyone in the cafe. Guess what?? Out of all the birthday song they have, they chose the small kid singing version where normally we can heard it in those chinese restaurant with karaoke system...
the song is so loud but no sign of any cake... I am 21 already, why that song?? Stage 2, done!
so, the song play half way and after I non-stop making noise. They stop playing the song and then only the cake appear...(they still trying to light the candles)
its only cost RM33 for this 1 KG cake with proper decor and chunted ingredients, details?? ask Li Wah...haha
then we all sing birthday song again just to cover up the previous cacated version one..haha
following is the process of whole cake cutting ceremony...the common one.

then the dirty part~

they cant do much cause there is only 1 cake...so, my face is clean!!!

Thanks everyone who willing to stone with me!!! haha (we remain at this pose for few minutes before 1 of the waiter finally is free to take pic for us.)
they are so busy serving food and drinks until neglected other services they should provide...
then Nick and Pui Ee left earlier cause got class tomorrow...then the party didnt really continue but just normal chat.
the last draw back is...
nevermind, because it is my big day...so forgive them but still wondering how can they do business in this way. Where is the quality control?? wonder is their other beverages are fake as well..or mix with water. I am not sure about others, but I will never go back there again.
we all leave at 12am...thanks everyone again!!!
laptop skin and mouse pad...YA!! Man United!!! knowing they didnt perform well recently, but have faith that they will bounce back!!! Bought a laptop cooler as well, got conned!!!
Then one cap and 3 rings from pasar malam...woohooo!!!!
well, thats my birthday update.

but most touching one done by few people...must credit them here.
no. 1 Yana who is the first to call me before 25th March.
no. 2 William's sms from UK with his maxis number. (still wondering how)
no. 3 Joanna calling from Australia and a present from her is on the way (she is the BEST!!! love you, thanks and MUACKS!!!!)
no. 4 Win Datt calling from Australia, had a great talk with him...thanks very much!!!

haha, world peace ofcourse and other personal 's wishes...
if you think this is too long, summary is at PuiEe's blog. With edited pic...
more 'celebration' coming soon...
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