Almost everyone puts on their ear phone whenever they go unless there are someone to talk to.
PSP for games, musics, movies also keep them from getting bored while on the way to their destination via public transport.
Smart phones that provides everything from games, shows, musics, phone calls, smses, online and etc etc...
All these high tech gadgets has done a great job to our life and they are cheap in Singapore. Almost everyone have atleast one of these. When I was back to KL for my term break, I always give this examples to my friends and family.
"1 person came in to the MRT with earphone stuck to their ears, definitely listening to musics and over 90% chances that person is using an Ipod. Then from the bag take out a PSP to play game. Moment later, phone rang and from the bag took out a smart phone..."
Years ago, I have 1 MP3 player, 1 Digital camera and a not so smart phone which basically for smses and phone calls. Then MP3 player died and I change a phone with MP3 player inside. So form 3 gadgets, I become a 2 gadgets fella which combine MP3 with my phone. Got 1GB memory card just for music. Got another camera cause the previous one died as well.
Until today, I am still a 2 gadgets fella who still believe camera is for taking photos and phone is for text messages and phone calls. Although my phone took over the MP3's job as well. (say all you one, I will never let phone to take over my camera's duty)
Ok, I am changing as well...but in a very slow mode. Maybe because I cant afford a smart ass phone or a PSP right now. But the music I have is more than enough for my time in the MRT.

The points is not this actually, I am running out from the topic.
Today, I took the MRT to college after lunch time to complete a report with my group members. Get in to the train and stand at one corner as usual. ( I will never sit even the whole train is empty) Call me stupid, but this is me.
I have notice 1 thing, Singapore's MRT passengers' first thing to do when they walk in to the train is look for a seat. Their ass is so heavy that need something to support immediately and they are from every age group.
Back to the topic, when the train reach second station. There are few empty seats and 1 young lady who is on the phone walks in and another older Indian couple came in from another door. (the seats is in the middle) This young lady walk straight to the seat and sit down while only the wife managed to get the seat beside her while the husband have to stand. Ok, the couple is not that old so the man can stand.
Next station, an old lady who I think atleast at the age of 70 based on her white hair and the way she dressed. First thing first, ofcourse look for a seat but obviously no seat is available during that time. So she hold the pole as firm as possible to keep herself stable.
At this moment, I look at those people who are sitting infront of this old lady. None of them dare to tilt their head more than 5 degrees up.
1 young gentleman who wearing formal wear was busy reading his notes. (ya, Singaporeans are very hardworking) After he finish reading his notes, he saw the old lady but he keep his notes into the bag and took a short nap. (need some rest cause of being hard working eh??)
1 lady was sleeping. (ya, hectic life...)
Another very obvious 1 is that bitch who still on her phone. I look at her for few minutes, I know she notice the old lady because her eyes look at other direction the moment she saw the old lady standing in front of her.
All these people who were sitting, dressed nicely and professionally. But what the fuck is in their mind???
I have also witnessed teenagers who concentrate on their PSP all the way and never look up for a split second, some put on ear phone and blast their music and ofcourse take a short nap since the seats are so comfortable. Those who are not fancy with gadgets will have other things to do like play sudoku or read a book.
All these have brought them into their own world while in the MRT and make them ignore whatever that is going on around them.
I thought Singaporeans are highly educated...well, only academically but not on basic moral acts I guess..
Not all are so civilise until become so uncivilise. But most of them are KIASU and self centered.
i think the gadgets are a bit unrelated but good entry. well said.
well, i was kind of out from topic...
but somehow it just related cause they tend to be too concentrate with the gadgets and neglect what happen around them...
well, of course the attitude is the key here.
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