this could be my last semester break because after internship, I will be 100% stepping into the working world. Internship is just to get myself ready for this new chapter of my life.
after spending time with friends, it is about spending some quality time with family. what is best to do it than on Mid Autumn Festival?

we didnt finish up everything and we did not stop from there. after steamboat, we had ice lychee longan water, mango, cheese cake, moon cake and some fine hot chinese tea for dessert!

while not letting our stomach to take a break, we were watching White Chicks. very funny even re-watch it again.

we all are too old for birthday song singing and stuff that we suppose to do on birthday, so we roughly sand the song and thats it! we were too full anyway.
throughout the whole side, Chun Hsiong cant stop playing with his star-back tortoise

after cheesecake, we had moon cake.

we had lot of laugh that night and it is something I miss the most. because we seldom meet up. nothing beats family love. =)

Sunday went shopping with mom and brother. got a pair of new leather shoe, a wallet and a belt. did I tell you guys that I wore my previous leather shoe since form 2? it is time, so new shoe for new chapter of life!
at night yumcha with Kelvin and Yanjie. ever since William, Andrew, Win Datt and me studying overseas. the usual yumcha gang is becoming smaller and smaller. It was my second attempt to ask people out yum cha and only 2 turns out. first time only me and Yanjie. lol
Monday went to Sungei Wang support Kar Hui who is performing on stage for charity event organized by University Malaya. after that went "shopping" with Tania while waiting for Lee Keng to finish working. went yum cha at BRJ near Lee Keng and Yanjie's place. again 3 ekor only. but main purpose Lee Keng asked us out to yumcha is because she want her stuff from Singapore.
when I reach home, check mails. got 1 from college asking me to contact HR department of the hotel because my training pass is ready.
next day gave a call and they want me to go back as soon as possible. so, I went to buy my bus ticket before meeting up with Kenix at Midvalley. at that moment, I was kind of lost because it happen too fast. I need to go back on wednesday, thursday get my uniform and settle everything then friday start working. wow!!!

me and Kenix just talk crap for hours while walking around Mid Valley and getting anything that I think I need to buy.

then I bit farewell to them and head home to pack my stuff. basically just throw everything back into my luggage.
there goes my holiday. tomorrow it will be a new chapter of my life. excited!!!
This post is boring because I lost my interest in blogging once again. grown up?? not really, just not in the mood to type a lot and didnt really get any nice pic throuhout all the activities I had during this holiday. When one person got no direction like me who dont know when will my holiday ends, this is what you get.
time to sleep, tomorrow is a brand new start! =D
y muz u post my ugly rakus photo here.. arghhh
oi..why put the nippon ad?! -.-
chin yi, that rakus thing is in your heart. I dont see rakus at all
sis, that is the most powerful ad =D
so yeng...
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