and we really did, but it was a short meet up..reached Batu Feringgi about 4pm. When the bus drove pass Rasa Sayang, it was like a 'reaching home' kind of feeling...don't ever say I over react, because that was how I really felt.
thanks to the girls who allowed 3 of us stay in their living room...(under budget trip)
after waiting almost everyone came home from work...went for dinner.
the girls treated us...THANKS!!!!
then we went to night market, the guy's house and back to Golden Sands to meet some friends...
you guys must be wondering, why didnt we stay at the guys house, not that we are horny or what...but they have no mattress supply and they are smoking all the time...(does this make you guys stop thinking something else and continue reading this blog??) (hope it does)
we slept quite late and eventually woke up late...(lunch time)
after lunch, nothing much to the girls held a mini concert for us..
then Jin and JJ were too boring and wanted to go to Gurney...but I dont feel like going because we will be leaving Penang early in the morning on the next day...and we ended up going to the beach.
at night, JJ and Jin went to meet up with other people while I just spending times with the girls...(dont ask me why, because I wont tell you guys why)
so they again held another mini concert for me..
well, this time when we leave...we were not that sad because some of them will be coming to KL before heading back to Indonesia after finishing their training..
Citra and Happy who got PH that day, accompany us to jetty...
and again..I cried, as what some say...real man cries~ I wont hide my feeling...even though I know we will be meeting again in 2 weeks time but separations hurts..(it was the most difficult feeling to be handle in one life)
after bitting farewell to both of the ferry leaving the jetty...
that was my Penang trip...a short but memorable trip...
after reaching KL...I got a extremely bad news from the girls, which is the HR decided to extend their training until the day before they go back to Indonesia, which means the original 1 week holiday and trip to KL for them has broken does the same for me, because I planned everything for them but now, it seems like not going to happen...
but there will be still a glimpse of hope..because some of the staff plan to appeal for them in order to allow them to end their training as what has been stated earlier...
this is one thing I dont like about the resort, especially the HR. They tend to play around with trainees to achieve my case, I have been extended 1 month in FO to become 'stoner of lobby' or what they called us as 'Lobby Ambassador' (sounds more glamor)
this time, they extend their training to another week just because they are extremely short of staff and no trainees are going in...WTF??!!! they are using our rights!!! we are just trainee but we still have our rights. How can they used us?? They are facing shortage of staffs is their problem right?? they should have planned everything ahead before this problem occur. No matter what, after forcing them to work 1 more week for you. They still will go and you still face the same problem, must well just deal with it now.
because of this issue, all of them got no mood to work has slow down their performance and certainly will cause the resort's productivity. So, shall I congrats the HR for doing such a great job?? ah...whatever lah...
Now, both parties (me and them) are just praying for the best to happen...because I dont want them to hate Malaysia. Despite, me, jin and jj are the peoples that change their point of view towards Malaysia...we make them feel welcome. (not like other people who treat them like slaves) Hospitality this how it suppose to be?? make your staff suffer and only please your guest.
come on!! what is the purpose of having industrial training?? to learn as much as possible ofcourse. But by putting them in 1 fucking departments for the 6 fucking months...this is bullshit!!! unless they are in FO, fine dining restaurant or in HK where they can fully involve in operations....but NO!!! they are in coffee house clearing dishes, HK doing turn down service or the worst, stoning in Adventure Zone looking after small kids. What does that contribute to hospitality student's future?? being a good mother??
they had appealed to the HR in the beginning of their training, and what they get is just "ok, I will arrange" but end up, they still train in that freaking kids land for 6 months!!!
as what I have been told, according to their contract...they are suppose to train in F&B, HK or FO but end up in play land?? wtf is this???
not to be mentioned, even I also got the same treatment. We chose 3 departments to train at during the 5 months of training. I chose F&B, FO and Kitchen but end up..I trained in HK and Adventure Zone as well which is not what I want. At first we thought that it is good for us to train in every department, even though it is still good cause I get to train in HK, but after think about it....they just placing us because they need more man power...especially the 1 month extra in FO and Adventure Zone...
damn!!!! their management sucks!!! cant plan properly and used trainees to the max!!!
I enjoyed the training over there, people around there are damn nice, just the HR part makes the whole experience sucks...
disappointed?? YES!!!! pissed off?? YES!!!!
now what me and the girls can do is hope and pray for the best to happen....
anyway, here is something to cheer me up...slightly only..even though I know everyone will expect a grand celebration from me, but soory, I got no mood to fully celebrate...I didnt even watch the expect much, but I am glad we do the double...

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