On Saturday, or Merdeka Eve. William 'held' a farewell cum new house reviewing party. But on the day before, he told me "looks like not many people have time to William" So the party has been changed into small dinner with this poor fella who flying off to Manchester in about half month time. Don't ask why he want to held it so early...
alright, on that day afternoon. I accompanied Joanna to Midvalley to buy something and she will be flying off the next day back to India to continue heraudition for Bollywood dancers study. After that, I went straight to the latest Lim's Mansion at Beverly Heights.
Lim's Mansion
Reached there and he bring us go around his new place with Yanjie's car...
small gym at the back with 5 stoners...(I was there as well)
it has gym, swimming pool, basketball court and futsal court for all the residents inside. I can only 'wow'. Then we head back to the mansion to take a look at the house and have a snack that I bought near my house by sitting beside the fish pond. Then Shi Shyang the last person who will join the 'party' has arrived.
Thai style 'yau cha guai'
or direct translation as Oil Fried Ghost. Its just fried flour eat with kaya.
Andrew trying to kill the Kois.
just some baby Kois, not ready for BBQ yet so we have to postpond our BBQ plan. But we highly recommend William to rare fishes for fish therapy rather than Kois.
Beside this fish pond, this mansion also comes with....
Yanjie trying to stop Andrew from going in the escalator
An escalator..
3 storey's escalator than could not fill in more than 4 of us and it certainly move slower than us who use the stairs. Not sure what is it for, designers now a day...
beside escalator, it has jacuzzi tub in masterbed room as well. cool right??
and William's dad expanded their home theater with projector and huge screen.
discussing where to eat in home theater.
as we were discussing what to eat, where to eat...this and that. Then one of us said the word "Satay Celup" and another replied, "I know where have nice one"
William pointing where his girl is sleeping...
After take a look at his room,the craziest dinner ever for 6 of us has begun, all of us cramp in Yanjie's car and drove out from KL at 7.45pm...with a little traffic jam, we reach the entrance of our destination about 1hour 40 minute later.
our asses, brothers and balls were cramped all the way in this journey to hunt for Satay Celup and no matter how much we suffered, Andrew kept saying "worth it, worth it" But not the 2 front seaters which include Kelvin and Yanjie the driver. Nothing can stop us but we took a short break after the toll to give some space for beloved lower part of our body.
short break...
we just can't wait to get out from the car, people around there were looking at us because we sounds like just coming out from prison.
Ayer Keroh rest area sign board
at this point we were at Ayer Keroh, another 30minutes of driving before reaching out final destination. All of us couldn't believe that we were actually in Melaka already. How crazy can us be? Drive all the way to Melaka just to have our dinner..
During our secondary school, when we heard people drive to Genting just to study for SPM. We said these people are totally crazy. But now, what we did is extreamly crazy, crazier than drive to Klang for Bak Kut Teh or to Kajang for Satay or even to Ampang for Yong Tau Fu. This is what we call, WE LIVE TO EAT. Just that we are not that crazy until going to Penang for Char Kuey Teow. Petrol price still expensive, but once awhile we have to do something extra ordinary. So, Satay Celup, here we come!!!
we are really in Melaka!!!
After another 30 minutes drive, we reached our dinner spot. But kind of lucky or should be God of Food appreciate our effort, passion and craziness on food. The moment we walk into the restaurant, we found an vacant table where the customers just left.
Restaurant Ban Lee Siang's Satay Celup
Andrew said this is where Satay Celup originally from, the taiko of others copycat. We come all the way from KL, ofcourse must eat the best right? If you don't know how to go to this restaurant, just open your mouth and ask. I bet 90% of the Melaka people will show you the way. Another 10% are those 'don't give a damn' group.
the key of Satay Celup.
if you had satay before, this is the soup type of the peanut sauce we use to dip the satay. They combine the steamboat and the satay sauce to come out with this Satay Celup thingy. The funny thing is, there are no satay in this restaurant.
Andrew can't wait anymore.
all you need to do is find a seat, get a tray and grab whatever you like to eat in the chiller.
Satay Celup!!!
throw all inside the pot, wait for few minutes and start eating like there is no tomorrow. Oh ya, be careful because it is hot.
our dinner
we started our dinner at 9.55pm
personal service...
from time to time, they will refill the sauce soup for us. But there is one problem with this satay concept is some of the food will drop into the pot. You won't know what is that once it mixed with the base of the sauce.
from the bottom of the pot.
William set that each of us must have at least 20 sticks, if not can't go home. It took us around 45minutes before finally give up and get the bill.
William with his sticks
Yanjie with his sticks
Kelvin with his....
the boss took them for total count before I took the pic.
Shi Shyang with his sticks
me with my sticks
and the winner with most sticks is...
Andrew with his 32 sticks.
he only had a light breakfast until the snack eating at William's place. This is how he beat all of us..
boss is counting...
the gang and boss
the sticks
the sticks with red end is 60cents each while the normal one is 50cents each. We had about 150 sticks and William pay for this meal...cause we do crazy stuff with him. Thanks man!!!
We can't come all the way to Melaka just for Satay Celup, so we head to Jonker Street. It is a night market that you will see international tourist walking around. We reached there about 11pm and by that time, many stalls starts closing.
KL people in Jonker Street.
Chinese Paper Cutting
one of the greatest art of Chinese. We walk all the way to the main road of Jonker Street and come to this shop call Long Feng Ge or direct translation as Dragon Pheonix Corner.
the shop
I can tell you, this shop house is the longest I have ever seen...
from our table looking (first half of shop)
Red lanterns is entrance and we are sitting at the last table. Not that long right?? Wait until you see the next photo...
from our table (second half of shop)
it does looks creepy and there is where the toilet is...they wash dishes inside as well. It is the concrete version of Rumah Panjang.
the crazy people from KL
So why are we here? After having some hot sweating Satay Celup, the next best thing in Melaka is....
Ice Kacang and Cendol!!!
Cendol special with either mango or durian is RM3.00 while normal cendol is RM2.00. Ice Kacang is RM2.50 if not mistaken...Saw the black colour on every bowl? that is the the famous sugar from Melaka. GULA MELAKA.
After we cool our self down, we went to the main area in Melaka where the red buildings and Melaka River is located. It was nearly 12am by that time, Merdeka day is very close!!!
Sungai Melaka
the place where the name Melaka was founded and the history of Malaysia was started..
the white mouse deer
Just one kick from him and we have to start studying about History of Malaysia.
Welcome to Melaka.
After we stone for awhile, it is 12am already.
51st Birthday of Malaysia!!! Everyone is cheering but there is no firework here. Not really a matter because we have the best Merdeka celebration in our life to celebrate it in where the history started, even though just the 6 of us.
bycicle race...
there was this race started once the bell of clock sound...some Merdeka race for Malaysian.
group photo...
we only took 1 group photo because I am holding the camera..
the famous red building with red lights...
the church right beside the red building...
chit chatting...
we stone there for about 20 minutes before heading back to Jonker Street to get our car...by that time, the street is becoming more quiet with few small pubs still open for business. We leave Melaka about 12.40am and this time William drove the car while 4 of us cramp at the back again but we are excited for the 1/4 of our journey back. After that, few of us doze off until we reach the toll...
we reach William's place at about 2.15am
we are suppose to have snacks and play cards in William's house but we have to cancel the plan because we can't take it anymore...it was an exhausted dinner.
have another short chat before heading back home...
Thats all for the crazy night of 6 KL people...
Happy Birthday Malaysia~
alright, on that day afternoon. I accompanied Joanna to Midvalley to buy something and she will be flying off the next day back to India to continue her
Reached there and he bring us go around his new place with Yanjie's car...
it has gym, swimming pool, basketball court and futsal court for all the residents inside. I can only 'wow'. Then we head back to the mansion to take a look at the house and have a snack that I bought near my house by sitting beside the fish pond. Then Shi Shyang the last person who will join the 'party' has arrived.
or direct translation as Oil Fried Ghost. Its just fried flour eat with kaya.
just some baby Kois, not ready for BBQ yet so we have to postpond our BBQ plan. But we highly recommend William to rare fishes for fish therapy rather than Kois.
Beside this fish pond, this mansion also comes with....
An escalator..
3 storey's escalator than could not fill in more than 4 of us and it certainly move slower than us who use the stairs. Not sure what is it for, designers now a day...
beside escalator, it has jacuzzi tub in masterbed room as well. cool right??
and William's dad expanded their home theater with projector and huge screen.
as we were discussing what to eat, where to eat...this and that. Then one of us said the word "Satay Celup" and another replied, "I know where have nice one"
After take a look at his room,the craziest dinner ever for 6 of us has begun, all of us cramp in Yanjie's car and drove out from KL at 7.45pm...with a little traffic jam, we reach the entrance of our destination about 1hour 40 minute later.
our asses, brothers and balls were cramped all the way in this journey to hunt for Satay Celup and no matter how much we suffered, Andrew kept saying "worth it, worth it" But not the 2 front seaters which include Kelvin and Yanjie the driver. Nothing can stop us but we took a short break after the toll to give some space for beloved lower part of our body.
we just can't wait to get out from the car, people around there were looking at us because we sounds like just coming out from prison.
at this point we were at Ayer Keroh, another 30minutes of driving before reaching out final destination. All of us couldn't believe that we were actually in Melaka already. How crazy can us be? Drive all the way to Melaka just to have our dinner..
During our secondary school, when we heard people drive to Genting just to study for SPM. We said these people are totally crazy. But now, what we did is extreamly crazy, crazier than drive to Klang for Bak Kut Teh or to Kajang for Satay or even to Ampang for Yong Tau Fu. This is what we call, WE LIVE TO EAT. Just that we are not that crazy until going to Penang for Char Kuey Teow. Petrol price still expensive, but once awhile we have to do something extra ordinary. So, Satay Celup, here we come!!!
After another 30 minutes drive, we reached our dinner spot. But kind of lucky or should be God of Food appreciate our effort, passion and craziness on food. The moment we walk into the restaurant, we found an vacant table where the customers just left.
Andrew said this is where Satay Celup originally from, the taiko of others copycat. We come all the way from KL, ofcourse must eat the best right? If you don't know how to go to this restaurant, just open your mouth and ask. I bet 90% of the Melaka people will show you the way. Another 10% are those 'don't give a damn' group.
if you had satay before, this is the soup type of the peanut sauce we use to dip the satay. They combine the steamboat and the satay sauce to come out with this Satay Celup thingy. The funny thing is, there are no satay in this restaurant.
all you need to do is find a seat, get a tray and grab whatever you like to eat in the chiller.
throw all inside the pot, wait for few minutes and start eating like there is no tomorrow. Oh ya, be careful because it is hot.
we started our dinner at 9.55pm
from time to time, they will refill the sauce soup for us. But there is one problem with this satay concept is some of the food will drop into the pot. You won't know what is that once it mixed with the base of the sauce.
William set that each of us must have at least 20 sticks, if not can't go home. It took us around 45minutes before finally give up and get the bill.
the boss took them for total count before I took the pic.
and the winner with most sticks is...
he only had a light breakfast until the snack eating at William's place. This is how he beat all of us..
the sticks with red end is 60cents each while the normal one is 50cents each. We had about 150 sticks and William pay for this meal...cause we do crazy stuff with him. Thanks man!!!
We can't come all the way to Melaka just for Satay Celup, so we head to Jonker Street. It is a night market that you will see international tourist walking around. We reached there about 11pm and by that time, many stalls starts closing.
one of the greatest art of Chinese. We walk all the way to the main road of Jonker Street and come to this shop call Long Feng Ge or direct translation as Dragon Pheonix Corner.
I can tell you, this shop house is the longest I have ever seen...
Red lanterns is entrance and we are sitting at the last table. Not that long right?? Wait until you see the next photo...
it does looks creepy and there is where the toilet is...they wash dishes inside as well. It is the concrete version of Rumah Panjang.
So why are we here? After having some hot sweating Satay Celup, the next best thing in Melaka is....
Cendol special with either mango or durian is RM3.00 while normal cendol is RM2.00. Ice Kacang is RM2.50 if not mistaken...Saw the black colour on every bowl? that is the the famous sugar from Melaka. GULA MELAKA.
After we cool our self down, we went to the main area in Melaka where the red buildings and Melaka River is located. It was nearly 12am by that time, Merdeka day is very close!!!
the place where the name Melaka was founded and the history of Malaysia was started..
Just one kick from him and we have to start studying about History of Malaysia.
After we stone for awhile, it is 12am already.
51st Birthday of Malaysia!!! Everyone is cheering but there is no firework here. Not really a matter because we have the best Merdeka celebration in our life to celebrate it in where the history started, even though just the 6 of us.
there was this race started once the bell of clock sound...some Merdeka race for Malaysian.
we only took 1 group photo because I am holding the camera..
we stone there for about 20 minutes before heading back to Jonker Street to get our car...by that time, the street is becoming more quiet with few small pubs still open for business. We leave Melaka about 12.40am and this time William drove the car while 4 of us cramp at the back again but we are excited for the 1/4 of our journey back. After that, few of us doze off until we reach the toll...
we reach William's place at about 2.15am
we are suppose to have snacks and play cards in William's house but we have to cancel the plan because we can't take it anymore...it was an exhausted dinner.
Thats all for the crazy night of 6 KL people...
Happy Birthday Malaysia~
and thanks guys for this crazy and wonderful night but felt bad to leave you alone at home...
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