It has been nearly 1 year or more than that since I last went back to my beloved secondary school. Since today is a off day and my legs are itchy, I have a random plan where I called up Daasa to play football at school. It has been awhile since both of us played football together.
we set to meet up at 10am and I waited for 1 hour plus before he shows up. (as usual) Then Parthiban came with the pump. Just 3 of us kicking ball, so sad but better than nothing.
we played for awhile and mots of the time we talk crap and had a wonderful sex education tutorial conducted by Prof. Daasaratan.
we had lost our stamina since all of us never kick a ball for quite some times, so we went to clean ourselves up.
ok, before this is all craps because that is not the point I post this entry...the following photos tell how much has MBSSKL changed.
the 4 storey air-conditional building named after Uncle Lim if not mistaken.
Throughout my 5 years in this school, the only few places with air-cond are library, computer lab and lecture hall. Now they have whole building air-conditionaled. Wow!!!!
the more power one would be right opposite the building, look at the design of the like some sought of international school or university.
all the brickaton money gone for caging the staircases to prevent small kids from falling down...
then they have something that all the lrt users craving for which never happen during my 5 years in this school. They have it only after I left the sad right???
staircase to Plaza Rakyat station, finally the school believe that Petaling Street is not safe anymore... =_="
the condo-a-like classroom if not mistaken. with BALCONIs. o_O
it is the backside of the caging staircase building.
not just that, the more power is on the floor.... (I am speechless when I saw this, seriously!!!)
then the modified study corner with a fish pond...a good place to teach students about ecosystem..
with all this super nice world class study environment, not to mention the computers they are having in the lab plus others that I could not see due to it is school holiday now...which parents don't want to send their children in here???
MBS = Malaysia Best School
they are doing their best to reaching this and I guess they are not far from there...
studying here, you dont have to worry about the security level...
no joke ok, they can see you and they know what are you doing in the class...
because of all these power facilities, I found out something very funny....
sign board showing directions to places in the school...
I remember back in those days, we were lost when comes to finding science labs. But even if that happen, all we need to do is ask people around. The school is not that big anyway, worst come to worst we only walk a few more minutes or climbing up and down to look for the destination. I guess now a days students has been trained to shut their mouth but only use their eyes when they are lost. This will bring down the noises in the corridor. Brilliant idea!!!
the school tells you this pipe can only be use when there is a fire (must be order from fire fighting department) I guess someone accidentally use it to water plants around the school since we are turning green now...
the school tells you if anything happen, run to the field and gather around...something that dont have for the past many years and yet we know where to gather when comes to fire drill...
they also tells you where to line up during assembly...
another power one is on the staircase...not because it is fully covered with tiles but look closely...

I can only laugh out loud when I saw this tiny foot print on both side of the stair case. Is this secondary school or they turned it into kindergarten after I left??? Why do they need this in a secondary school???
they want you to be dicipline, behave...etc etc and now they even want you to walk on the right path. can you imagine this...
after school, a bunch of morning section students just finish playing football and they are going to the canteen to get a drink. They were all chit chatting happily while walking up the stairs. Suddenly Ms. G came out from office and look around to find victims as usual..
she shouted "you guys over there, come over here"
students "what happen?? dont know..."(talking to themselves)
ms. G "what are you doing over there and where are you all going?"
students "just finish football, going to canteen.."
ms. G "but some of you walking on the right side.."
students "we are a group and..."
ms. G "I know you are in a group, you must follow the school rules. You need to line up 2 by 2 when going up the stairs. You are blocking the way for people who wants to go down you know?"
students " but..."
ms. G "no but, all of you got 10 demerits and have to attend detention class tomorrow.."
students "....."
This might really happen because they are turning this school into a military school...
talk about ms.G, today we met someone sounds exactly like her. I think she is her sister. She must be in the Plan-G for building up the G-kingdom cause the way she ask us question reminds me of ms.G.
other than that...
noted : DON't TOUCH THE GLASS. (Principle says so)
beside laugh out loud, I really dont know how to react anymore, this happen when the school is finally fully incharge by the principle. He can do whatever he want...sadly, MBSSKL culture is gone. Not the same school that I love anymore...
The school try to control everything students are doing but the best is they encourage graffiti art...

and they don't care about student's view on politic...
look closer in the middle of 'X'
whatever they do here will always affect the students' future, when they step out from school. I guess most of them will cry when they are facing the real world and without protection and guideline from school anymore. They might be graduate with flying colours, but they won't be ready to explore and be independant. They will find it difficult to adapt themself into the real world because all these while they were in the 'fantasy' world...
it might looks great and everyone will look up to the system this school is using plus all the facilities they have...but I felt bad for those juniors, because they can't explore themselves...
Majulah MBS!!! (good luck)
we set to meet up at 10am and I waited for 1 hour plus before he shows up. (as usual) Then Parthiban came with the pump. Just 3 of us kicking ball, so sad but better than nothing.
ok, before this is all craps because that is not the point I post this entry...the following photos tell how much has MBSSKL changed.
Throughout my 5 years in this school, the only few places with air-cond are library, computer lab and lecture hall. Now they have whole building air-conditionaled. Wow!!!!
the more power one would be right opposite the building, look at the design of the like some sought of international school or university.
then they have something that all the lrt users craving for which never happen during my 5 years in this school. They have it only after I left the sad right???
it is the backside of the caging staircase building.
not just that, the more power is on the floor....
then the modified study corner with a fish pond...a good place to teach students about ecosystem..
MBS = Malaysia Best School
they are doing their best to reaching this and I guess they are not far from there...
studying here, you dont have to worry about the security level...
because of all these power facilities, I found out something very funny....
I remember back in those days, we were lost when comes to finding science labs. But even if that happen, all we need to do is ask people around. The school is not that big anyway, worst come to worst we only walk a few more minutes or climbing up and down to look for the destination. I guess now a days students has been trained to shut their mouth but only use their eyes when they are lost. This will bring down the noises in the corridor. Brilliant idea!!!
they want you to be dicipline, behave...etc etc and now they even want you to walk on the right path. can you imagine this...
after school, a bunch of morning section students just finish playing football and they are going to the canteen to get a drink. They were all chit chatting happily while walking up the stairs. Suddenly Ms. G came out from office and look around to find victims as usual..
she shouted "you guys over there, come over here"
students "what happen?? dont know..."(talking to themselves)
ms. G "what are you doing over there and where are you all going?"
students "just finish football, going to canteen.."
ms. G "but some of you walking on the right side.."
students "we are a group and..."
ms. G "I know you are in a group, you must follow the school rules. You need to line up 2 by 2 when going up the stairs. You are blocking the way for people who wants to go down you know?"
students " but..."
ms. G "no but, all of you got 10 demerits and have to attend detention class tomorrow.."
students "....."
This might really happen because they are turning this school into a military school...
talk about ms.G, today we met someone sounds exactly like her. I think she is her sister. She must be in the Plan-G for building up the G-kingdom cause the way she ask us question reminds me of ms.G.
other than that...
beside laugh out loud, I really dont know how to react anymore, this happen when the school is finally fully incharge by the principle. He can do whatever he want...sadly, MBSSKL culture is gone. Not the same school that I love anymore...
The school try to control everything students are doing but the best is they encourage graffiti art...
and they don't care about student's view on politic...
whatever they do here will always affect the students' future, when they step out from school. I guess most of them will cry when they are facing the real world and without protection and guideline from school anymore. They might be graduate with flying colours, but they won't be ready to explore and be independant. They will find it difficult to adapt themself into the real world because all these while they were in the 'fantasy' world...
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