I've got off day on Christmas' eve and many people expected that I will be going crazy on celebrating it since I am so free for the whole day. Got 2 invitation for that night, 1 is mom's friend doing a open house at his new place and another is Joanna asking me for steamboat at her place. But somehow I rejected both and plan to just stay at home.
roughly about 5.30pm, I saw Win Datt online and wish him Merry Christmas in advance. Then he found out that I got no plan for the evening, so he invited me to his friend's church in Puchong by telling me that I can experience the real meaning of Christmas. Then I think, that must be the best way to celebrate it instead of clubbing, walking on the street sraying people or stay at home. So invitation accepted.
get myself ready immediately and off we go. But faced nearly 2 hours of traffic jam. Finally 8.25pm we reach our destination. This church is a branch of the church at MBSSKL. The celebration was done outside the church and I think we are the latest 1 to be there.
we register and got a Santa's hat...
when we reach, the Children's fancy dress contest is going on..
which mean, we missed the fun games and door gifts section...
it was Chris' birthday that night and we got nothing for him, so we 'borrowed' the cake and took photo with it. XD
Chris having a not so happening birthday....
Children's fashion contest...
spot the huge yellow thing in the middle?? His parents chose to make him into cheese!!! Looking at these kids standing on the stage cluelessly. They are just so adorable...
Then it was the musical sketch done by youth from this church with the title "He Lives In Me"
about a girl who change another girl from being just Christian to real Christian. (is this the right term? sorry if I type anything wrong)
dancing and singing...
happy ending...
then it is message and prayer from a pastor followed by candle light service.
passing down the light...
once the light is off...I feel like singing Heal the World by Michael Jackson, but instead of that. We sang Christmas Carols. Really in to Christmas mode at that moment...
raise your candles and sing along...
then it is everyone favorite section...
lining up for food at nearly 11pm...dupper time!!! (dinner + supper)
all these food prepared by people from this church...nothing else can beat home cooked food on Christmas' eve...although the taste is just ok~
then we went into the church and wait for countdown...not some big 1 though. Just sing along and wait until 12am...
busy chitchatting while others cleaning the mess outside...
out of a sudden, they start counting down and next thing is...Merry Christmas!!!
kind of lost at that moment, but we just blend in...haha
4 of us...Chris, Steven, Edward 21 and Edward 20. [2 Edward(s)] haha
4 of us plus Edison from this church who invited us here.
Then as we heading home, Win Datt's friend called and said they have a party in TAR College...Edward 21 didnt join us, so 3 of us went there with a huge party going on in our mind. On the way, Wayne and his friend join us as well.
As we reach there, it was actually a house party...=_=
They were actually exchanging gifts already and 5 of us been isolated outside the house with half bottle of Chivas and plenty of left over food....

we just sat outside, drink and chit chat for awhile then head back home around 3am...
phew...what a night!!!
a meaningful night I should say...not the ending part, but the begining part. Atleast now I know what is Christmas all about. Well, not fully but partly...will get to know more in future.
Even though I can't celebrate with you, but this is the best I can do for now...
Merry Christmas baby~
roughly about 5.30pm, I saw Win Datt online and wish him Merry Christmas in advance. Then he found out that I got no plan for the evening, so he invited me to his friend's church in Puchong by telling me that I can experience the real meaning of Christmas. Then I think, that must be the best way to celebrate it instead of clubbing, walking on the street sraying people or stay at home. So invitation accepted.
get myself ready immediately and off we go. But faced nearly 2 hours of traffic jam. Finally 8.25pm we reach our destination. This church is a branch of the church at MBSSKL. The celebration was done outside the church and I think we are the latest 1 to be there.
it was Chris' birthday that night and we got nothing for him, so we 'borrowed' the cake and took photo with it. XD
spot the huge yellow thing in the middle?? His parents chose to make him into cheese!!! Looking at these kids standing on the stage cluelessly. They are just so adorable...
Then it was the musical sketch done by youth from this church with the title "He Lives In Me"
then it is message and prayer from a pastor followed by candle light service.
then it is everyone favorite section...
then we went into the church and wait for countdown...not some big 1 though. Just sing along and wait until 12am...
out of a sudden, they start counting down and next thing is...Merry Christmas!!!
kind of lost at that moment, but we just blend in...haha
Then as we heading home, Win Datt's friend called and said they have a party in TAR College...Edward 21 didnt join us, so 3 of us went there with a huge party going on in our mind. On the way, Wayne and his friend join us as well.
As we reach there, it was actually a house party...=_=
They were actually exchanging gifts already and 5 of us been isolated outside the house with half bottle of Chivas and plenty of left over food....
phew...what a night!!!
a meaningful night I should say...not the ending part, but the begining part. Atleast now I know what is Christmas all about. Well, not fully but partly...will get to know more in future.
Merry Christmas baby~
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