As what I said earlier, Christmas is all about family and love one. Although this Christmas I can't celebrate with the one I love, but I have a chance to celebrate with my family.
Because of this evening, my mom insist me to request finish working earlier or better still, ask for off day. It is impossible since it's Christmas Day, but with this rare opportunity to meet up with all my uncles, aunties and cousins from my mom's side which is more like a family compared to the one I really have. (looooong story~) The main thing is, my 2nd uncle and his family are coming from Australia. So, its a big event!!!
ok, forget about those crap. On Christmas day, I finished work at 4pm and rush back immediately, got myself ready and head to the venue. I am the latest to be there. (everyone is having holiday except for me...ok?)
Everytime when we have family reunion dinner, we will have chinese cuisine but this time, uncle Fuk found something new and all of us agree to go for it. Its Moroccan food! something we never try before...
It located at Lorong Damai 9, KL. Its near SMK Puteri Ampang and SMK Choong Hwa. (ok, I am bad on telling the location)
the resthouse (restaurant in a house)
the owner got this house and turn it into a Moroccan restaurant.
you can choose to dine either in door or out door.

I shall say the design is Moroccan style which quite similar to Middle East. sorry, I can't really tell...
the Moroccan entrance
the Moroccan tea pot (I know..Jocelyn's smile is shinnier than this golden pot)
before the dinner starts, its all about gather around and chit chat...
the huge family from my mom's side occupying the 'living room'. I do believe they have tables on the second floor but I have no time to take a look because we are busy talking and laughing from the beginning till we left the place.
family photo...huge family photo. Total with 38 of us. (did I miss out anyone here? some absent though)
here is mom (standing) with her second brother, sister in-law, step mother, auntie and sister.
our table which full with youth still unwilling to settle down, although we are quite hungry already~ haha
then 3rd auntie force cousin Zi Yu (did I spell your name right?lol) to make a introduction about the food which we are going to have and end up she did it by herself...
its a buffet style anyway, cause there are too many of us, normally they serve ala carte.
here are the menu. First is Moroccan Salad with diced cucumbers, tomatoes, cilantro or better known as chinese parsley with some Moroccan dressing. Taste kind of weird but never try before so its ok for me. Second is peanut paste mix with herbs and olive oil on it. In third shafing dish would be roast lamb with Moroccan rice. Everyone said the lamb is damn good but most of them at my table did not get the chance to try it, cause we are all gentleman and gentlelady.
On the other side we have variety of roast meat, Moroccan sauce chicken and roast chicken with rice.
Pita bread with two thickness, the thin one is like eating thin rubber and for the thicker one is like eating thicker rubber. Expect the thicker pita bread will have the texture of naan bread but too bad, they are just hard and chewey~
lastly, a pot of curry look a like gravy + soup which consist lots of carrots, french bean, potatoes and other veges. Been told it serve with the rice, so should be a gravy instead of soup...
me dinner...I am eating lesser and lesser these days... o_O??
if you notice I cant really tell what am I eating cause I didnt really pay much attention on the food...too busy to interact with cousins
since the food is so so and it has been awhile since we, we talk more than eat.
cousins, from the age of 30+ to below 10. Still manage to remember their name though, but not the older generation in this case.
while we are filling up our stomaches with Moroccan food~
mom with her mother, auntie, brothers, sisters, brother in law and sister in law...
with nephews...
with nieces...but only 5 of them, so me and my bro, 3rd uncle and auntie join in...
every family will have a chance to take photo with the VIPs which include, uncle Keong's family came back from Australia. Never seen them for 5 years besides uncle Keong came back once awhile for business trip. Other than that there is mom's step mom and 8th auntie.
other family are just having a formal + dull photo like this

but with me inside, I am not going to let it be dull. Come on, its Christmas day man!!!
after plenty of photo taking section and numbers of flash lights from digital cameras, finally we settle down and move on to the next activity.
since it is Christmas day, wont be Christmas if it is without presents. So, uncle Fuk and family bought over 40 gifts if not mistaken and we will have this little lucky draw.
start from the eldest and slowly to the youngest...
then 1 by 1 line up to get their presents...
thats me with my present...they told me it is a shade.
but it is actually a key chain.
grumpy baby key chain...
but not just a normal key chain...look at his eye brows properly, is Nike
us with our presents...
then we back to chit chatting and noise making...
the adults are planning the event for year 2009. One of them are mom's 60th Birthday~
at the same time, we planning where to go after this because the night is still young!!!
then when the adults finally decides to call it for the day...
we have another gathering outside the restaurant...
after bitting farewell to everyone...we head down to KL~
on our way for some drinks...
we chose Island Bistro located at 3rd floor Connection, Pavilion.

they are having happy hour with Rm45 per we ordered 2 buckets~

10 bottles of beer for 8 of us...1 ordering Cappuccino instead (the one texting)
but few of them can't really drink due to driving later, underage and health concern...end up I am having 3 glasses if not mistaken. My bro had less than me and they thought he was drunk cause he start talking non stop (actually he talk non-stop since long time ago), but actually I was slightly drunk (still know what I am saying though)
basically whole night we are listening to cousin Pui See talks about her life in Australia for the past 5 years. She is totally different from her brother, who do not like night life and very quiet...I am having a same elder brother too who don't really like night life and always stay in his own designer world
almost done and still chillaxing...
we never chill together like this before, despite it was our very first time. Time really flies, few years back only uncle Fuk with camera. But during dinner earlier, almost each of the younger generation have 1 digital camera.
few years back we will go home right after dinner, but now we can drive out and drink!!!
after walking pass the huge white Christmas tree day in day out for the past 1 month, finally I am 'one of them' who took photo with it on Christmas day~
group pic!!!
thats it, my wonderful and meaningful Christmas day celebration....
hope we will meet again soon...
ps: thanks Jian Kai and Jocelyn for the pics..cause my camera is short of battery on this big night, have to collect from everyone before posting this entry. So, cheers everyone!!!
Because of this evening, my mom insist me to request finish working earlier or better still, ask for off day. It is impossible since it's Christmas Day, but with this rare opportunity to meet up with all my uncles, aunties and cousins from my mom's side which is more like a family compared to the one I really have. (looooong story~) The main thing is, my 2nd uncle and his family are coming from Australia. So, its a big event!!!
ok, forget about those crap. On Christmas day, I finished work at 4pm and rush back immediately, got myself ready and head to the venue. I am the latest to be there. (everyone is having holiday except for me...ok?)
Everytime when we have family reunion dinner, we will have chinese cuisine but this time, uncle Fuk found something new and all of us agree to go for it. Its Moroccan food! something we never try before...
It located at Lorong Damai 9, KL. Its near SMK Puteri Ampang and SMK Choong Hwa. (ok, I am bad on telling the location)
the owner got this house and turn it into a Moroccan restaurant.
you can choose to dine either in door or out door.
before the dinner starts, its all about gather around and chit chat...
its a buffet style anyway, cause there are too many of us, normally they serve ala carte.
if you notice I cant really tell what am I eating cause I didnt really pay much attention on the food...too busy to interact with cousins
since the food is so so and it has been awhile since we, we talk more than eat.
every family will have a chance to take photo with the VIPs which include, uncle Keong's family came back from Australia. Never seen them for 5 years besides uncle Keong came back once awhile for business trip. Other than that there is mom's step mom and 8th auntie.
other family are just having a formal + dull photo like this
but with me inside, I am not going to let it be dull. Come on, its Christmas day man!!!
after plenty of photo taking section and numbers of flash lights from digital cameras, finally we settle down and move on to the next activity.
since it is Christmas day, wont be Christmas if it is without presents. So, uncle Fuk and family bought over 40 gifts if not mistaken and we will have this little lucky draw.
then 1 by 1 line up to get their presents...
but it is actually a key chain.
but not just a normal key chain...look at his eye brows properly, is Nike
then we back to chit chatting and noise making...
at the same time, we planning where to go after this because the night is still young!!!
then when the adults finally decides to call it for the day...
after bitting farewell to everyone...we head down to KL~
we chose Island Bistro located at 3rd floor Connection, Pavilion.
they are having happy hour with Rm45 per we ordered 2 buckets~
10 bottles of beer for 8 of us...1 ordering Cappuccino instead (the one texting)
basically whole night we are listening to cousin Pui See talks about her life in Australia for the past 5 years. She is totally different from her brother, who do not like night life and very quiet...
we never chill together like this before, despite it was our very first time. Time really flies, few years back only uncle Fuk with camera. But during dinner earlier, almost each of the younger generation have 1 digital camera.
few years back we will go home right after dinner, but now we can drive out and drink!!!
after walking pass the huge white Christmas tree day in day out for the past 1 month, finally I am 'one of them' who took photo with it on Christmas day~
thats it, my wonderful and meaningful Christmas day celebration....
hope we will meet again soon...
ps: thanks Jian Kai and Jocelyn for the pics..cause my camera is short of battery on this big night, have to collect from everyone before posting this entry. So, cheers everyone!!!
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