The whole world is alert on the swine flu now, although Singapore and Malaysia got no related case happen yet. But still have to take care of ourself.
Take care my friends and family especially those in other country.
If want to earn money, start selling masks now!!!
ohya, need to come out with a business plan for my Innovations and Entrepreneurship's individual assignment. I have come to this point whereby I asked myself, what do Singapore need now?? the answer is still I dont know because they have almost everything and it seems like everything are quite well in place.
any ideas from the reader??
ohya, I have also concluded that I wont be getting any keys and my auntie has no intention to give me 1 set as well. This conclusion comes after the day my aunt and uncle came back from Genting. If they have the intention to allow me to own a set of the house keys, they could have just ask me to keep it. But everything back to normal again...
so, no keys life is back on track again.
Did I mentioned about my aunt actually gave me a how to open the house door, pad lock and gate lesson the day before she went to Genting?? I was speechless at that moment and still speechless when I think about it again. Her reason is scared I dont know how to open those locks. sigh, older generation mindsets....
ohya, Man United has confirmed the Asia Tour to Malaysia is on the 18th July 2009. Yahoo!!! Cant wait for that and so gonna buy the VIP ticket. Heard can meet the players with those ticket. *wink wink wink (saliva dripping...)

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