actually, I have planned for this trip for quite some times but finally I have time to do so. For the sake of showing you guys my life in Singapore is not that boring after all, if only when I go out and walk around.
what is there to see at Raffles Place??
about 5 minutes walk from Raffles Place's MRT station and after seeing all those things above and cross the bridge, you will see the Asian Civilisations Museum.
it started before I went back to KL on my first term break and now it is about 1 week left before the exhibition ends. It is a rare chance to see what one of the famous emperors in Chinese history have during his time.
SGD 8 for adult and have a free tour around the museum before the tour for Kangxi exhibition starts. Quite lucky for me as I reach the place, a group just about to start their tour. So I just follow them and see the Asian cultures.
First, we start off with South East Asia as this is where Singapore is locate at. The tour guide explain little history about Singapore which I already learn in Sejarah classes. Still fun to recap back what I have learn.
Been told that in this museum, they use BCE (before common era) instead of BC which what they call more accurate term but it is still the same.
note: no flash allowed in photo taking, so quality bit sucks
After comparing few instruments that believe cross cultural took place around SEA as most of the symbols, carving and style are similar. Next we move on to see Buddha figures.
the tour guide teaches us how to differentiate Buddha from different country based on the top part of his hair which is called Ushnisha and earlobes.
Cambodian's Buddha have a pyramid shape Ushnisha and tight curl hair. This 1 is sitting on asnake which happened said that the Naga is protecting Buddha from storm so he can continue his meditation. He split himself into 7 heads which also represent 7 Chakras.
Buddha from Burma has earlopbes that touching his shoulders and the Ushnisha is like an onion. He also sitting on a lotus instead of snake and 1 hand touching the ground which said the Buddha is connecting to earth.
Usually standing and the Ushnisha is a shape of fire. His both palms facing front as been told it means no evil spirits can come near to Buddha.
It shows that Buddha's feet has straight toes instead of uneven one like us. The reason why is because Buddha has reached another level or something which I dont really remember.
the ladies actually have to prove themselves ready to married from planting the marijuana until using it to make this dress. 'X' can be found everywhere in their life where they believe no evil spirit will come near them.
next we move to the West Asia part which is where the Islamic influences came from
we can see this in front of every Muslim's house and now I know what does it mean.
they have to change the Ka'bah once a year and this is just 1 small part of the entire cloth, then the old one will cut into small pieces like this and give to museums and others.
They also have a replica mosque in the museum and Muslim can actually do their prayers there. Besides that, Al-Quran can be seen as part of furnitures, bowls and intruments.
Next we move on to South Asia which is where Hinduism came from. But we are short of time, because the Kangxi tour will start on 3pm so we only have 1 hour to tour around the museum.
in Brahmanial Hinduism, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva represent the trinity responsible for maintaining the balance in Creation, Preservation and Disolution of the Universe.
from bottom is the Great Departure, followed by his earth witnessing gesture during meditation and the First Serman where Buddha teaching his middle path to his followers
then we rush to The Kangxi Emperor exhibition and the tour took over by a lady close to her 70's or more. How nice can it be to have a tour on one of the most famous emporors in the Chinese history by an old lady with her voice and her experiences. The entire tour is very interesting as we follow Kangxi's path of becoming an emporor.
unfortunately, no phototaking are allowed in the exhibition because most of the things in there are original and they have been kept in a very good condition with assistants from technology. So, no photos from the main purpose of my trip to this museum. The best I can offer is what I got from the brochures.
The Kangxi Emperor was the third Emporor of the Manchu-led Qing Dynasty and the second Qing emperor to rule over China proper. His original name is Aisin-Gioro Xuanye. He became emporor when he was 7 to 8 years old when his father past away in a young age. (others just click the link)
in the exhibition, I saw Kangxi's clothes that really wore by him before. Other that this there is also the 9th scroll of his 12 hand scrolls which documents his 2nd of his 6 Southern tours. One scroll is 22metres long and took 6 years to complete the entire drawing. It is just pure amazing as every figure inside the scroll can be seen clearly and Kangxi is under a big yellow umbrealla and is slightly bigger size than others. (part of the scroll shown)
also have the replica of the document he wrote in Chinese and Manchurian where he decided to rule the entire China on his own.
another will be one of his major projects to win over the Chinese heart as a Manchurian such as the Kangxi dictionary. He learnt Chinese caligrafi at the age of 5 and learn about Confucianism when he was 15 - 16 year old in order to understand the majority minds.
besides that also saw the rifles and bow he used for hunting. With these 2 weapons, he killed 135 tigers, 20 bears, 25 leopards, 96 wolves, 132 wild boars and hundreds deers at Mulan over the years. His best personal record is 318 rabbits in a day.
other than these, also have another hand scroll about his 60th birthday celebration which is 80metres long. (only part of it was shown)
Others like calculator the Westerners brought to him, the measurement instruments and new technologies can be seen in the exhibition.
I am really satisfied with the tour and exhibition as everything has been well explained by the tour guide. I also been told that they have a major exhibition in London before which includes Kangxi's son Yongzheng and grandson Qianlong. It will be more complete if all these are available here. But unfortunately not at this moment.
after the tour, I spent another 2 hours walking around the museums and take photos on others exhibition about Asian cultural. So I literally spent 4 hours plus in the museum which is kind of fun.
photos will be uploaded in facebook soon...

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