I never do anything to my hair for 21 years besides cutting, styling and washing. Nothing more than that although since form 5 I have this intention to do something else to my hair. But the course I am in does not allowed fancy hair so, the intention has been burried inside me for more than 4 years until today.
the original healthy black hair of mine...
I have decided to have a go on this holiday, since I have 1 month to spend in KL. By the time I start internship, whatever that happen to my hair will be gone.
So, I called up Li Wah who did my hair when I was in KL to help me on this so called make over. Well, I am under budget so I ask her to come over to my place on her off day instead of visiting her at the place she work. I am cheapskate!!!
Li Wah in action...
the make over stuff...
time to make over~
bye bye black healthy hair...
good enough?? No, it is just the first stage...time to move to second stage of make over.
wah!!! so Lala wei...feel like punching myself. Never imagine myself with this colour hair.
I cant accept this, so I chicken out and request to get back my black but not original hair...
But dont know why it looks blue when applied on my hair...
after that, have a hair cut and wa la...
with protein on and testing whether my hair can stand or not...
after shower, I got my black hair again!!! haha
damn!!! I am such a chicken. Wasted 70 bucks to dyed my hair black??? whats wrong with me??
yaya, say all you want to say. I am stupid, I am not adventurous enough...
alright alright, do you think I am so stupid to waste 70 bucks to dye my hair black???
well, actually the colour is blue black and it will be more obvious when under bright light...
something like that...
the colour will be lighter and lighter eventually will become more blue-ish then ash grey in around 3 to 4 weeks time..so, just wait and see =)
I always wanted to do something like what Mike Shinoda did.

But not sure will I turn into lala or not, so a blue black is fine for me.
Thanks Li Wah!!!
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