with barely 8 more days before the end of 2009...what have I done for this whole year??
one answer for sure, waste lot of money to study in Singapore. made my mom worry about me all the time because I am far away from her. but will be seeing my beloved family next month due to cousin wedding in Singapore!!!

until now I still have the same question like others who deadly wanted to ask me...how can I survive with 500 salary per month and rental already consumed 400. my answer to you is I dont know how either. some how I still be able to enter my third month of internship in one piece.

watched biggest movie of 2009 at cinema. 2012 and Avatar. both made me couldn't sleep for hours after watching the movie. awesome and must watch!!!
it is time to make up my mind where should I go after graduate, but my mind is still blur at this moment. hopefully I will have a clearer view sooner rather than later.

am I lucky or what?? twice internship also very enjoyable experiences. although have some bad experiences but the good one can really overcome all the bad one. other than real life working experience, I still have to say this..I found another group of friends here in Singapore.
thank you very much for supporting, assist and guide me throughout these 3 months with another 3 months to go. I cannot survive without you guys and you guys really make my life more interesting and more happening. really glad to be able to work and learn from you all.

yes, I am an entertainer and I have my own audience. =)
2009, not a bad year after all besides those heart broken moment. Other than that, I will appreciate everything I have learned in year 2009. Definitely going to appreciate my mom's effort to support my further study in Singapore with my deepest heart. My mom is No. 1 mom in the world!!!!!!! and I miss her very much.

wish everyone best year ahead of you. =D
Edward Low signing off for 2009.
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