for guys, majority or 99.99% will choose being invisible.(probably after watching "hollow man")
while girls will think of maybe mind control,so they can get what they want without doing it~haha
please don't lie and tell others you will use your power to safe the world or help everyone that need it..err,maybe there is someone who got such a kind heart. But trust me, when you have such ability, you will rather help yourself first.

even I myself want to be'on I am a guy!!
well, although being invisible is cool..but one of my childhood dream and even until NOW!!!
err..I've been thinking of FLYING~

errm...probably because of watching too much tv when I was a kid and it seems like almost every super hero can fly (no need to suffer in traffic jam and can reach anywhere easily)

I always think that one night maybe when I online until late night or watching Champions League at 2, 3 am...suddenly a bright white light shine through the window and an old man give me this flying power..haha(sounds ridiculous right??)
I am staying on 13th floors and all the windows got nothing blocking it (it is for better result when enjoying the view) , but I always feel like just stand on it and jump...maybe I can fly?? haha(don't worry, I didn't try it and I don't dare to try it as well)
But I did dream about flying on the air for several times..and it feels real!!!
how nice if I really can fly?? how nice if I can have super power...but not like those mutants in "X-men" , more prefer those in "Heroes". Human with special ability.

well..about this super power thingy is just a though when I was boring or day dreaming, so don't get mad at me or call me crazy. I like to imagine, okay??
** my holidays end in 2 days time...damn!!!
** result out on monday..DAMN!!!!
** Semester 5 is starting soon..damn!!!

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