Just got a phone call about an hour ago, friend called me and complain about her boyfriend (they just started about 1 month ago and start complaining)
Few months back, another friend complain to me about her boyfriend as well...(they been together for 3 years plus and through out the first year I know her, she has been complaining. still together though)
About a year ago, friend called me in the middle of the night and cry because she been dump~ (her relationship didn't last long but now she got a new one)
You guys must be thinking, am I Hitch or Love professor?? Let me tell you, I am not..I got not much experience on love either, just 2 (puppy love) and already nearly 4 years that I didn't involve in any relationship...even I ask myself, why did they call me?? (it's certainly not an affair!!!)
Beside all this not so smoothly relationship, there is smooth relationship happening around me as well, like one of my friend..know this girl who elder then him 2 years, it is his first love( I guess) and they are still together until now (it has been about 1 year plus)
One of the most successful relationship is from my mom's friend's daughter..she and her boyfriend started since form 3 and until now, about 15 years they are still together and getting marry soon..
my cousin brother, know his wife during high school but started few years later when they met again..after that, they both can't meet each other for few years,one at England and one at Malaysia and they got married 2 years ago~
another good example is my friend, since form 4 he know this girl but only as close friend until finish spm..they started after that, and never seen them as happy as before until now
all these love problem that happening around me, do affect my view towards love...it makes me afraid to fall in love (although I did for few times, but it just didn't turn out well), at the same time, I can't wait to fall in love again...
as I don't want my teenage life just end like that, man I have 2 years more to officially be an adult...is my teenage life is all about study and being single??
people having relationship will tell me stay single..you will be more happy (true)
single people will tell me, lets get a girlfriend..we are so f*cked up (true also)
for god sake, I never celebrate valentine or Christmas or even my birthday with my love one..wonder when will it happen?? hmmmmm

according to wikipidea..
Love is a constellation of emotion and experiences related to a sense of strong affection or profound oneness. Romantic love is seen as an ineffable feeling of intense attraction shared in passionate or intimate attraction and intimate interpersonal and sexual relationships. Though often linked to personal relations, love is often given a broader signifition, a love of humanity, of nature, with life itself, or a oneness with the Universe, a universal love or karma.
types of love
1. erotic love : is an aesthetic focus on sexual desire, especially the feelings of anticipation of sexual activity.
2. platonic love : in its modern popular sense is a non-sexual affectionate relationship, especially in cases where one might easily assume otherwise
3. familial love : is a type affinity or natural affection felt between members of a group bound by common ancestry or blood ties.
4. puppy love : an informal term for feelings of love, particularly between young people during adolenses, so-called for its resemblance to the adoring, worshipful affection that may be felt by a puppy.
5. romantic love : a general term referring to the connection between "love" and the general idea of "romance", according to more traditional usages of the terms.

love will happen when the right time and right person appear, my previous experience is just so not right, either too early or too late..haha!!
love is also will happen depends on the way you approach,I have tried straight forward and waiting, both also not working, probably wrong method on wrong person...haha
like what Rascal Flatts said :" I've been waiting all my life to find you..." (is a song, nice song!!!)
how come my life can be like those romantic drama,everything happen coincidently~
contract relationship and finally get married(too bad I am not a celebrity)
enemy become lover....
meet in library while both want the same book(err..I don't borrow book from library)
studying together in same college..(err..hopeless college)
living in same town...
first sight??
damn!!! those lovely drama just driving me crazy!!!!
hey, I think it is all about Karma..what have I done?? hmmmm
if it is about Karma, then what about those who dumped someone just to get with the new one?? or those change partner like changing clothes...do they get the Karma thingy as well??
I will not fully understand it until the end of my life...that is for sure..

ps: for those who has been mentioned by me up there..please forgive me. (be proud, because you guys inspired me to blog about love) haha!!!
1 comment:
hey dude... ur post is very interesting.. and obviously u done some research on l.o.v.e. which is good on u and good joB!
well... i m not in here to preach.. but if i sounded like one.. pls bear with me...
the world have trying hard to define what love is trough media, people, organisation and etc etc.. It seems helpful but actually it is more confusing...( u agree?) anyway... bro i jus wanna tell u that u r not alone that finding what love is... i believe all of us are... i love the sentence that u said 'mayb we will not know what love is till the end of our life.. and it's complicated'(something like that)
For me... remember we used to chat bout having gf and stuff? we seem desperate at times.. but bro.. i really wanna share with u my point of view(think about it)
AS a Christian... i finally realised what love suppose to b and how love like... is not only bgr but others like friends, family, animals, and all kind of things need love.. how do love appear... i personnally reckon love come from God(ok.. is sounded like preaching but yet... bear with me.. jus my point of view) Why do i say so? because God love us and He created us in His image? how do we know? because love exist! John 3:16 said "For God sooo love the world..." (i will b posting more bible verse.. u can find it out from ur Christian friends if u r intereted) Bible defined love clearly in 1 Corinthians 13 (is too long to write.. check bible if interested/ or chat with me)... Genesis 2:18-24 also says that is God's idea..
Well... don't be soo 'holy' as ppl defined now... When u think of it.. it's actually making sense and it's true... (u may argued Christians that u know are not like that... well i can tell u that is different topics den.. focus on love topic) Bible did not say about bgr but is says bout marriage.. What is a relationship for? too jus have fun? too love and b loved? too find the satisfaction? but God created woman as a helper to man... (I will keep on say God coz i m a believer.. don't feel offended.. He is a Creator) I personally can feel the love of God.. ever since i really choose to believe in Him.. is a life changing moment for me.. He love me sooo much so that i can love others like He love me.. Ppl have problems with relationship because they don't have the same believe... they change gf/bf like clothes because they are lost and confused... I like the part u view the positive side of relationship.. that how ppl get along well..(that's the way bro!) Good on them if they're not Christian.. must b a blessing then.. Everyone is God's loving ppl.. (for me) But how many couples will get those blessing? or i should say how many lucky ones? We live in a broken world and influenced by soo many corrupted things... that's the reason why there are many broken families and realationship.. getting married doesn't mean the end of bgr but the starting of another relationship.. many ppl think that we'll b forever and they get married but in the end.. divorce!! afted that? (f*ck up) and den? they make other ppl f*ck up and there goes the flow.. Ppl who dunno God often have that prob (same go to Christian that claim to b Christian.. c'mon.. Christainity is not religion! but a relationship with God)
Bro.. is seriously a long comment i wrote to u.. but i have soo many to say... i would like to chat with u... if u wan.. =) I jus wanna share my testimonial to u.. We live in a broken world as i said.. But after i found God(Jesus Christ).. no no.. should say He found me.. i realise how to love ppl more and more... and of coz.. to be loved by Him.. His love is overflowing me that i need to get rid of it... (by loving other ppl) I m not soo desperate anymore(altough sometimes i m) but God promised He will find a woman suitable for me..(in the bible) A woman that have a personal relationship with Him as well.. therefore... a long-lasting relationship will happen with God as the center.. (3 ppl are always stonger den 2) in fact.. The mathematical of marriage is 1+1=1.. Means that both must rely on each other and the very common thing that needed is trust!
Oh man.. i m like writing a book to u... i gonna stop here anyway.. but if u wanna talk to me... u r always welcome on MSN if i m available... Just wanna tell u that u will forever be my heng dai no matter what happens... Thank God for that.. (haha... u seriously gonna change ur impression on me after this : Steven is sooo freaking Holy!) haha... but but.. i m still cool as always! Cant wait to hang out with u when i go back to M'sia...
P/S: I m not a pastor even i sounded like one.. but I m a friend just like someone else.. plus.. i m not a love doctor too! Just like what u said about urself! haha =D
Take care.. and God bless.. I will pray for u... i BELIEVE in prayers coz i know they always work! =)
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