13 Aug 2007, yet another cooling sunny morning : as planned, we will wake up at 9:30am to pack our stuffs and get ourself ready to leave this fun place.

beautiful day on a special day~

this hot chick accompany every guests in this hotel , most probably whole Genting..haha
(some mag and TV guide books in our room)
3 guy's unpack stuff..without parent's control and nagging
errr,I think this is normal right???
so...we wash up and start to pack our stuff..

here is Charles forever doing his hair...haha

and this is Jin who checking pics in his camera...this two dudes is my room mates for this trip
they are crazy!!!!!

when we are packing our stuff..there is 2 guys cleaning window from outside
(quite windy outside)after have some fun in the room, I decided to visit our neighbour's room where JJ, Foong and Desmond stay...

what I saw is Kok Foong packing his stuff...
Desmond showering...while.....

JJ got detention by mr. Chow (sleep god) damn!!!! wake up la lazy ass!!!
so..while JJ still enjoying his time with Mr.Chow..I took 3 maggi cup back to our room...

ahhh~ one of Malaysian's favorite aroma...hmmmmm

after it cooked..is time to enjoy!!!!!

hahhaa...eating hot food in cold weather~
after finish our maggi cup accompany with some lame cartoon..I decided to pay second visit to our neighbour's room~

what I saw is Desmond enjoying his non-maggi cup noodle
(he cannot eat spicy food)

here is JJ who finish his detention with mr.Chow..and enjoying his maggi cup~
while everyone have the chance to taste maggi cup in a cold weather....

you guys must be thinkin, why is Foong not eating??
well, yesterday while 4 of us watching football and after that went to mamak and have supper..Foong and Desmond came back and sleep, so Foong finish up his maggi cup during that time..
(his face shows that he is HUNGRY!!!!)
then I found that these guys are more organise then us..aikz~they finish packing!!!
okay, get all of our stuff out from the room..double check any missing items...
time to step down to lobby with our luggage...

the lobby will never get empty...good for business!!!

me and Charles..both of our hair styling time add up can be 40 minutes..hahaha
( still too little right??)
our key card...the biggest hotel in the world with 6118 rooms!!!!

here is the two body guards of Mr.JJ..

and the star arrive!!!! wooohooo~
(sweat..)Mr. J help us to check out..then as we promised Charles about treating him coffee bean due to his birthday on 31 July..
just right infront of the lobby, there is a coffee bean..

end up JJ treat Charles and himself a drink..while others enjoying the cooling wind~
(he is having black forest ice blended)
while the belated birthday boy having hot chocolate..
( a more ideal choice in this weather)
while 2 of them are drinking...others are stoning...Foong come out with a slice of cheese cake
that is his breakfast,told you he is hungry
(look how happy he is)
thats me enjoying the cooling wind...for one last time~
after enjoying the cooling wind..is time to say good bye to Genting highland~
JJ will be going back to Ipoh with his parents..so only 5 of us will go back to KL and eventually back to our home!!!!

less people compared to the day when we come up here..probably because it is monday~

it is sad to say good bye to this wonderful place
(actually not really)..but all the good things will come to and end...

finally...we step into the sky way and ready to leave this place~

when the cable car pass that line...all the good times will become memories~

here we go!!!! high in the middle of the sky again!!! going down this time..

here is the nervous kids~ we smile..but we are scared..haha

something wrong with Foong's neck..maybe Resort hotel's pillow not suitable for him...

no more mist..clear view infront of us,which make us more scared!!!
(but this is cool!!!)
after some "heart pumping" ride...finally we see the ending of it!!!

we landed safely and we cant wait to walk out from that place..

opps...looks like Jin forgotten something~ neh..he just misplace his mp3 player in another pocket..haha
we reach just in time, we are about 10 minutes away from the next bus departing time..
after getting our ticket for bus back to KL, we stone there for awhile

Charles just cant get enough sleep while is Jin's turn to snap some pic...

Desmond is happy because finally he can go home and sleep well...while Foong is looking for food(just joking)

well..here am I again..posing for nothing...double cool = to uncool

12pm sharp departing and it only cost us rm 3.50..same price as a plate of wantan mee..

pon pon~the bus is here!!! eh...wrong bus la!!!
( still dont know what is this bus doing here for so many years)
ahhhh~ finally the real bus has arrived!!! move move move!!!

eh...faster get your seat la..my stuff heavy la!!
after about 20minutes bus drifting~

finally...we are officially leaving Genting Highlands
bye bye Genting, although you bring me minimum of fun..but we make it 100% fun by ourself.
thank you for everything!! especially using up all my money... >.<

6 Ma Lat Lou's Genting Trip ends here~
happy holiday!!!
home sweet home..
-the end-
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