Monday, July 30, 2007

buatan Malaysia...

I know that not many people are interested in some topic such as football..especially LADIES in this country..

anyway, I stop the football thingy for awhile and share something else with you guys..and girls

After watching Transformers, I bet everyone in Malaysia will starts to think of "what if there are Transformers in Malaysia??"

even the famous blogger do so..haha

I have no talent on doing all those graphic thingy...but guess what?? I just got an email and it is about Transformers in Malaysia!!!!

as we know, we don't have any huge local car or Proton Perdana has been chosen

the tai lou of autobots Malaysia...Prima Optimus

then Proton Waja will be the guidance of our lead actor

Lebah-lebah Wajatron

even Myvi is in it..proud of driving it
how nice if my Myvi can transforms into this big chest..MyviBot

followed by Myvi's cousin..Savvy
another big chest autobot...Savvytron( don't they both look alike??)

worst...this kiasu goon choi cheh( kerata keranda ) also take part..

he transform into an unstable shrek look alike autobots...wonder how he gonna stand and fight..goanna name him, Juarakononbot

finally..the smallest size of them all...Kancilsurprisingly this tiny car can transform into a more better looking car then that shrek looking autobot....Kanciltron

after seeing all this good looking local autobots( some are not)..I think we should now consider of creating something more bigger..maybe Alam Flora rubbish truck can be the next Optimus Prime..or maybe Rapid KL bus..big enough right?? But I think they are not local made..haha

finally, thanks for those people who spend their time on creating those local autobots..I salute you guys!! good job!!

TRANSFORMERS...lebih daripada bertemu mata itu (More than meet the Eyes)

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