Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I am still alive if you guys still wondering.
Just got my laptop yesterday. An Acer Aspire 4520...

trouble getting wireless connection despite I thought everything here is convenient. Well, beside transport....nothing else!!!

especially food!!! though is cheap...for them. 2 SGD for a bowl of noodle or nasi lemak with chicken and stuff like that. Cheap right? as long as dont convert, everything will be fine. But EZ link is doing good. MRT MRT and MRT...

wireless is killing me, I cant get the free one or the paid one....and there are limited power point or power plug in the public area. Not in McDonalds though...

photos will be on soon, but not now because I am still settling down.

currently staying with my mom's cousin or HouGang street22. MRT station is Kovan and still dont have a permanent phone number. So, cant contact me

Anyway, I am having 3 hours class everyday... either starts on 9am or 12.45pm...Thursday got no class at all. Even though already got assignments to do. But I am having a 1 week break from now until the next wednesday!!! Unfortunately cant go back to Malaysia and celebrate Chinese New Year. Well, atleast I have family here. So, extra ang paus this year?? YEAH!!!!

I think thats all for now because my laptop is running out of battery and I have plenty of things to be done. But I am not sure what is that. So, take care everyone and Happy Chinese NEw YEar again...

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